英语翻译:请问plastered to the hairline是约定俗称的词么

You could tell by his eyes that he was plastered to the hairline, but ortherwise he looked like any other nice young guy in a dinner jacket who had been spending too much money in a joint that exists for that purpose and for no other.
只消瞧一瞧他的眼睛你就知道他醉得够呛(Plastered to the hairline怎么就翻译成了醉得够呛??);除此之外,他看上去和那种身着晚宴华服、在娱乐场所一掷千金的年轻人没什么两样.这种场所的存在除了让他们挥洒金钱,别无意义.

但是to the hairline呢?

"The Long Goodbye" by Raymond Chandler (1953)!
1) plastered (adj) = drunk 喝醉了; tell by his eyes =有可能喝醉了而眼睛反应迟钝
2) plastered to the hairline = (浮夸词) 酒精量,从脚部到头( hairline) 的意思;或:醉的面部表情;
3) a joint = a tavern 酒馆;
第1个回答  2016-07-26
plastered 本身就有醉醺醺的意思,plastered to the hairline 可能是非常醉,醉到头的意思吧
第2个回答  2016-07-26
你可以理解为一种奇怪的比喻吧 那样子。