majorite 后面的动词什么时候用单数什么时候用复数


1. majortity是可数名词,含义为the greater number,指可数概念。the majority作主语时,
如果泛指多数(与少数相对),谓语动词用单复数皆可。 The majority is/are doing its/their best. 大多数人都尽全力。 2. 如果指整体、统一体,majority常被看成单数。
The majority is for him.多数人支持他。
3. 如果指多出的数目,majority常被看成单数。
Her majotity was five votes.她多五票取胜。
His majority was a big/small one. 他以绝对/微弱多数票取胜。 4. 如果指多数中的各个成员,majority被看做复数
The majority are of different minds on the matter. 大多数人在这个问题上持不同意见。 5. the majority of+复数名词,表示“大多数。。。。。。”,谓语动词用复数。
The majority of her friends have gone abroad.他的大多数朋友都出国了。 6. the majority of+集体名词,谓语动词用单数或复数均可。
The majority of the population in the country lives/live in cities.这个国家的大部分人口都住在城市里。
The majority of the commitee has/have arrived.委员会的大部分成员都到达了。 7. a majority of +复数名词,表示“多数,许多”,谓语动词用复数。
A majority of workers now work five days a week. 现在多数工人每周工作5天。 8. 表示量的概念要用most,一般不用majority
The majority of the area is covered by snow.(错误) Most of the area is covered by snow.(正确) 比较:
The majority of children like sports.(含有对比,意指有少数小孩不喜欢运动) Most children like sports.(不含对比,指一般小孩)
第1个回答  2016-11-21
isa was still twenty yards ahead when Sophie turned on theblacknt of luminesce本回答被网友采纳