

1, bubble steamed mutton
Bubble steamed beef and mutton is the unique characteristics of the well-known方邦Xi'an snacks, Xian Sun family restaurant business from the beginning of 1898 so far, one hundred years of history.
Legends, hot beef and mutton in the 11th century BC, the ancient "cattle and sheep share" based on evolved. Western Zhou Dynasty, he will "share of cattle and sheep" as the King, the lords of the "ceremony dishes." According to the "Song Book" records, the Northern and Southern Dynasties, the gross result of amendments to the Song Dynasty of cattle and sheep presented no taste this soup, called King-Emperor官史too, and later promoted to the Book of History Guanglu doctor. There is still a humorous story, the former proclaim oneself emperor Song Emperor Zhao Kuangyin trapped in Changan, all day long live the lives of hungry day came to a cooking beef and mutton are the shop front, the treasurer to see the poor, thus them to bring their own dry steamed broken hand, and then he poured a spoonful of broth滚热place
Cook in the fire. Zhao Kuangyin devoured and swallowed, is its taste is the best in the world of food to eat. Later, Zhao Kuangyin acclaimed emperor, the emperor made a one day stopover in Changan, still did not forget that time in the beef and mutton eaten steamed cooked, with civil and military expertise to find the minister of eating beef and mutton饭铺bubble steamed, still taste great better than Delicacies, and rewarded the shop's treasurer. Bubble eating steamed king once the story spread, beef and mutton on the bubble became famous Chang An Avenue snacks. Northern Song Dynasty had great writer Su Shi's "The Prince有熊dishes Longde, Qin bean jelly cooking only" a poem of praise.
2, Huang Thick Wine
Shaanxi flavor to their dishes point contains a rich cultural history and taste for more and more visitors by understanding and love. Feast on the banquet is, regardless of family dining, so the most famous drinks in Shaanxi Huang started the popularity of the Thick Wine. Now, from the Grand Hotel to the Neighborhood and snack shops everywhere selling hot in the Thick Wine, Xi'an, as well as many old people and children and also be able to say a few words about外地客Yang and Thick Wine to the legend.
Huang Thick Wine is caused Xiaoqu glutinous rice and sweet, with its fragrant named Huang. This wine like a玉液,绵甜mellow, long aftertaste, it is said of its history can be traced back to the Zhou Dynasty's "mash sweet wine." By research, invention in distilled spirits, our ancestors have been drinking is such a wine, especially in the Tang Dynasty, "Li Bai's poems斗酒100, Chang'an City上酒家sleep, called the Son of Heaven had come on board, claiming Hill is Sally wine. "Du Fu's here,"斗酒"Thick Wine refers on this point唐墓murals unearthed in recent years as evidence can also: 1992 in Chang'an County, South Lane Wangcun unearthed Wei
Family's tomb in the courtyard there is a banquet master map, chart, there are two girls from both sides of the wine on the side seats. Archaeological experts have pointed out that the wine is drawn next to the current pressure is from the client, as in Li Bai's poem "Man-shop wind Lau Fa-Xiang, Wu Ji pressure to persuade visitors to taste wine," described the scene. The key is a "pressure" character, that is human to make wine with juice and separated from the lees, this scenario in today's Xi'an, a number of "old" can still be seen in hotels.
3, buckwheat noodles饸饹
Xi'an city wall in the northwest there is a place called Jiaochang door, as the name implies, was probably the Eight Banners soldiers, green exercise the powers of the local soldiers. "Gate" did not see, but for a long period of time, "teaching field gate," the words appear in Xi'an's population, are often hung behind the other two words "饸饹."
Buckwheat noodles made from the use of comparison is called a fixed饸饹buckwheat noodles. According to some research that this food has been in the Yuan Dynasty, Yuan based on the王桢the "Book of agricultural buckwheat" in section "the North after the诸郡kinds of grinding for the soup noodles or cakes, Wei River leakage. "" river leakage, ""饸饹", both in the pronunciation of Putonghua is based on whether the cavity is very similar to those in Shaanxi, and perhaps the former to the latter is the sound bar.
Third, the city of Xi'an Jia celebrities. Came to Xi'an, you are in any case to go Mr. Jia San thorough taste of the Muslim people and the United States Meilen skill-hwan. Jia find three, do you even find a real snack. Xi'an snacks and more, "Jia灌汤three buns" is the head of the largest and most resounding number one in Xi'an snacks.
5, Shaanxi凉皮
Shaanxi凉皮a wide range of different practices, when mixing characteristics, tastes different, here, to cite only a few.
Sesame凉皮eat a typical Muslim. Its relatively simple approach to tune into a paste of flour, into a tailor-made metal-sheng凉皮basket, the swaying branch皮萝so cool precision flat surface at the end of the floor in the basket, and then mature steaming pot Add water. Eat when the dough into half a centimeter wide, the general increase in accessories for the cucumber wire, transferred to salt, vinegar, soy sauce, sesame, pepper oil can be.
Qin town to凉皮made of rice flour as raw material, as produced in the Qin Huxian town, but also rice叫秦town. Rice production to adjust for the paste, multi-storey flat in the bamboo steamer with steamed旺火. Eat when nearly one meter long, more than 20 centimeters wide hay cutter cut into filaments by adding vegetables accessories, small sprouts and so on, transferred sauce, a good taste in the chili oil on the whole, a good tune-wide red凉皮, Murraya spicy.
Hanzhong Hanzhong凉皮produced in the region because of its name. As a result of processing with a small stone mill by adding water to rice paste made of rice flour, also called the Water Mill凉皮. Produced when the pulp mill Dangshan flat rice noodles in steaming the bamboo steamer. Adding spices, mainly garlic juice, hot pepper oil, hot and sour taste of garlic shows.
Qishan rolling dough produced the best Qishan County. Production will be washed out gluten wheat flour, the starch into a rolling pizza, steaming on the steamer.凉皮both made of soft and sticky. Locally brewed condiment to food Qishan vinegar and chili oil, supplemented by the gluten washed out silk, in a small wok with uniform mixing, and the earth plate off, and its main characteristic is that acid taste, spicy, aroma.
Main凉皮gluten produced in the Guanzhong area, longer working hours and have to wash out the gluten, starch paste into a tune, sung to the pot metal steaming basket凉皮. Modulation, by adding steam cooking gluten block, seasonal vegetables, spices have vinegar, soy sauce, garlic juice, monosodium glutamate, salt, chili oil, sesame oil and so on, when to eat bold. In addition to the above, the Shaanxi Fufeng also branded the dough, the konjac凉皮Hanzhong,凉皮black rice, mung bean Shanbei凉皮so.
6, bubble油糕
Characteristics: the color white, epidermal bulk, such as on轻纱system,捏成Securidaca.
The main raw material:水烫face, Huang, sugar, peach kernel, Rose, Spodiopogon.
A brief introduction:油糕is a water bubble烫面, Spodiopogon, Huang, sugar and other raw materials made of stuffing, making a unique refined. The main features of the color white, epidermal bulk, as if on轻纱system, Securidaca捏成can be described as representing, by people of all ages.
7, Qishan noodles
Sub-surface of the smell of urine in Shaanxi Province has a long history, the Qing Dynasty has been very well-known. To thin, reinforced, light, fried, thin, Wang, sour, spicy, incense is known, with refined white flour, pork, day lily, eggs, fungus, tofu, etc.蒜苗made of raw materials and a variety of condiments. The basic production process is: noodles to hand-rolling into, and to achieve fine article面薄, tendons Ren smooth, hard and soft appropriate standards. Smell of urine is the first son so sliced pork into hot oil烹炒, at the same time by adding ginger, salt, spices noodles, spicy noodles and Chen醋炒through fait accompli. The bean, day lily, fungus speculation at the end of good for vegetables, eggs into蛋皮share, cut into prism
Small films, small加切drift蒜苗do dishes. Cooked noodles when eating fish first into the bowl, into the end of cooking, and then poured soup, put bashfulness, and the drift dishes.
Width requirements Qishan noodles soup, soup that is less multi-faceted, and highlight the hot and sour flavor. The so-called pan-fried, Wang that hot pasta to hot mouth, and petrol should be more in order to reflect the characteristics of this surface. Qishan surface is a high-carbohydrate, high saturated fatty acids of the local pasta.
And even in the ancient city of Xi'an, Xi'an SANQIN Sun prestigious earth Qishan Noodle House is one the largest in Xi'an Qishan Noodle Yongming Qishan西岐face hometown legacy inherited three thousand years, and the use of modern technology to carry out a process innovation, so that Sun Qishan noodles have a "thin light bars, fried thin Wang, hot and sour flavor, not soup, long aftertaste, "features 15 characters, full of nutritional value to the end of five natural plant (roots, stems, leaves, flowers, algae) and five colors (red, yellow, white, green and black) together with dozens of luxury cooking spices from, nutrient balance, high nutritional value, it is inexpensive and popular fast food nutrition.
Song葫芦头the original proposal in the "white fried intestines," It is said that so far. Pig large intestine by the other ingredients first,猪肚head加佐料after肥肠to腥臊boiled soup, steamed and then cooked by Tang.酽its rich soup,鲜香palatability, is a highly unsaturated fatty acids, high-cholesterol food.味醇is rich,鲜香滑嫩fat and not greasy, the characteristics of young and old-Safe.
Occurred in the spring of additional bubble steamed Museum \ 'seafood葫芦头\', an increase of sea cucumber, squid, chicken and other raw materials, more delicious flavor. Fish bowl奶汤began in the Tang Dynasty palace food \ 'breast stuffed fish \'. Mainly to feed the Yellow River carp, chicken, ducks, elbows, ribs stew soup into white, the preparation of copper into the pot after the Shing, the Xifeng Liquor boiling when I caught fish consumption dipped ginger vinegar sauce. Tender meat, delicious soup.
葫芦头is xi`an some snacks, hot steamed mutton it is somewhat similar to that for the break with both hands with the small loaf of steamed bread, but not the main raw material for meat, but chitterlings. It is said that葫芦头from the Tang Dynasty, Chang'an, a famous doctor Sun to the store to eat chitterlings monopoly that smell great, greasy, and that the system of law shall not be treated, we teach intelligence Road, and stay drug seasoned gourd so that the owner, Sun grateful owner, I would hoist hanging in front of medicine? quot; miscellaneous cake "also called"葫芦头"the.
9, plus steamed meat
In Xian, the old Prince Fan has become synonymous with the meat juice. Prince meat sauce originated in the Warring States Period, when the "cold meat", as generations passed, the evolution into today was the Prince of Qin taste the meat juice. Fan the meat juice Prince has recorded nearly a hundred years of history, by a name created by Fan hawkers. Because of its fine finish, the whole seasoning, fire gong that system by a long simmer, the color red, soft rotten mellow, long-stored unchanged. Fresh From the "do not eat greasy fat mouth full of meat-free residue oil, do not bite the meat from the rotten teeth, food余香long after the feast" of praise. In recent years, in the production process on the strict enforcement of rules and increase the proportion of lean meat, and incense, the spray to make them more rich
Shannon, welcomed by food. Many provinces and cities have been rated as high-quality snacks. In 1989 and won praise for its unique style, high-quality products awarded the Department of Commerce, "Golden Tripod." With fresh steamed holding白吉eat, then steamed肉酥Shannon, memorable.
10, Dumpling Dinner
Characteristics of food in Xi'an, the most known way of none other than a "dumpling feast," the name, it is mainly composed of such a mix of the feast of dumplings Zongbin feast, so called "Xian dumpling feast." Road, especially foreign tourists claimed that hundreds of dumplings, stuffed with different, different shapes捏成, Linglong剔透,或蒸或煮, pretty good, each have an elegant name and legend, was so were dazzling, full of praise. "Xi'an Dumpling Feast" is divided into "feast of flowers", "Peony Dinner," "dragon and phoenix feast", "royal feast", "Bazhen Feast" and other five high, medium and low level, by more than 180
Color appearance, flavor of the dumplings were superior composition, can be described as "one of a lattice dumplings, dumplings 100 ®."
第1个回答  2009-05-22
烧饼 Clay oven rolls
油条 Fried bread stick
韭菜盒 Fried leek dumplings
水饺 Boiled dumplings
蒸饺 Steamed dumplings
馒头 Steamed buns
割包 Steamed sandwich
饭团 Rice and vegetable roll
蛋饼 Egg cakes
皮蛋 100-year egg
咸鸭蛋 Salted duck egg
豆浆 Soybean milk

饭 类
稀饭 Rice porridge
白饭 Plain white rice
油饭 Glutinous oil rice
糯米饭 Glutinous rice
卤肉饭 Braised pork rice
蛋炒饭 Fried rice with egg
地瓜粥 Sweet potato congee

面 类
馄饨面 Wonton & noodles
刀削面 Sliced noodles
麻辣面 Spicy hot noodles
麻酱面 Sesame paste noodles
鸭肉面 Duck with noodles
鳝鱼面 Eel noodles
乌龙面 Seafood noodles
榨菜肉丝面 Pork , pickled mustard green noodles
牡蛎细面 Oyster thin noodles
板条 Flat noodles
米粉 Rice noodles
炒米粉 Fried rice noodles
冬粉 Green bean noodle

汤 类
鱼丸汤 Fish ball soup
贡丸汤 Meat ball soup
蛋花汤 Egg & vegetable soup
蛤蜊汤 Clams soup
牡蛎汤 Oyster soup
紫菜汤 Seaweed soup
酸辣汤 Sweet & sour soup
馄饨汤 Wonton soup
猪肠汤 Pork intestine soup
肉羹汤 Pork thick soup
鱿鱼汤 Squid soup
花枝羹 Squid thick soup

甜 点
爱玉 Vegetarian gelatin
糖葫芦 Tomatoes on sticks
长寿桃 Longevity Peaches
芝麻球 Glutinous rice sesame balls
麻花 Hemp flowers
双胞胎 Horse hooves

冰 类
绵绵冰 Mein mein ice
麦角冰 Oatmeal ice
地瓜冰 Sweet potato ice
红豆牛奶冰 Red bean with milk ice
八宝冰 Eight treasures ice
豆花 Tofu pudding

果 汁
甘蔗汁 Sugar cane juice
酸梅汁 Plum juice
杨桃汁 Star fruit juice
青草茶 Herb juice

点 心
牡蛎煎 Oyster omelet
臭豆腐 Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu)
油豆腐 Oily bean curd
麻辣豆腐 Spicy hot bean curd
虾片 Prawn cracker
虾球 Shrimp balls
春卷 Spring rolls
蛋卷 Chicken rolls
碗糕 Salty rice pudding
筒仔米糕 Rice tube pudding
红豆糕 Red bean cake
绿豆糕 Bean paste cake
糯米糕 Glutinous rice cakes
萝卜糕 Fried white radish patty
芋头糕 Taro cake
肉圆 Taiwanese Meatballs
水晶饺 Pyramid dumplings
肉丸 Rice-meat dumplings
豆干 Dried tofu

其 他
当归鸭 Angelica duck
槟榔 Betel nut
火锅 Hot pot

Thick liquid turtle fish (Shanxi snack) The thick liquid turtle fish says the fish, actually does not resemble the fish, cool like tadpole. The people from other place many does not know the procedure, the Qin has teasing to boast that for manual 11 pinches the system, then causes the bystander to praise to the heavens. The Qin whole families all can do, adds the alum according to the cold water to rub the soybean flour Cheng Yingtuan, latter by the cold water and Cheng Fenhu, enables it to have toughness. Pot Shui Kaifei, the powder sticks pours into slowly, stirs, the powder sticks thoroughly ripe, presses the fire, is stirring again by the wooden bucket bottom, the pot leaves the fire, takes the colander, under is abundant leaks in the cool washbasin; “fish”, is vivid. The colander does first for the bottle gourd wooden scoop, the fire chopsticks iron leak the eye; Latter is the tile system; Presently are many are the aluminum product. The rain leakage may eat coolly, slides, softly, the import treats nips when is actually suitable the throat, has swallows the esthetic sense exactly. Easy full, also Yi Ji. The hot summer days have the boy to sit down eat two bowls, hits cao the loose belt, smokes a cigarette, stands can eat two bowls, then the summer heat goes, under the fluid Juicy creates an incident. The winter eats, is fastidious fries the powder, the flat base sautes the heat, drenches the little clear oil, fries after the onion fancy, pours the powder fish to fry, adds the soy-and-sugar sauce, the seasoning, covers by the china bowl, 12 minutes later, color Huang Xiangpen namely becomes. Sold the opinion woman to pull the child to pass by, called loudly, the child then received cannot tempt, the woman multilateral fed the child, reprimanded the child to be greedy, actually must feed the child two buckets, then but actually a bucket entered in oneself mouth. (origin: "Shanxi Snack Small Knowledge Record" Jia Pingao)

The vermicelli is after the wheat flour increase salt, the alkali, the Water Classic loft drying cuts makes certain length the dry noodles. The principal variety has the ordinary vermicelli, the variety vermicelli, the manual vermicelli and so on; Has the egg vermicelli, the tomato vermicelli, the spinach vermicelli, the carrot vermicelli, the kelp vermicelli, the lysine vermicelli according to the supplementary material variety minute and so on. At present, the vermicelli has formed the staple food, the flavor, the nutrition, the health care and so on communal development pattern. Because the vermicelli the feeling in the mouth good, edible convenient, the price low, easy to store, has been one which of main wheaten food the people like. Vermicelli trophic analysis: The vermicelli (does not increase supplementary material) the main nutrient content has the protein, the fat, the carbohydrate and so on. Increase supplementary material vermicelli, nutrient content along with supplementary material variety and allocated proportion, but different. The vermicelli easy to digest the absorption, has effects and so on improvement anemia, enhancement immunity, balanced nutrient uptake. Vermicelli relevant group: The average person all may edible Vermicelli nutritional therapy function: Has effects and so on improvement anemia, enhancement immunity, balanced nutrient uptake. Vermicelli production director: 1. Boils when the vermicelli one must add a water much, because the vermicelli also has “to rise sends” the process, must absorb some moisture contents; 2. Two need to pay attention uses the slow fire, causes the quantity of heat along with the moisture content from outside to, the cascade to go, like this can boil thoroughly the vermicelli, boil thoroughly, the hot water is clear, the feeling in the mouth is good.

The South Korean pickled vegetable is the North Korean brined vegetable or the Korean brined vegetable alternate name, may also call it the South Korean brined vegetable. Called that it “the pickled vegetable” is not the correct formulation. The good food which the orthodox school “the pickled vegetable” is refers to southwest China the part of provinces and cities area to be in vogue one kind of lactobacillus which ferments, its manufacture process and the South Korean brined vegetable has the obvious difference, in “soaks” on exactly with emphasis the character. To two kind of good food, should perform to distinguish. In the South Korean history once was the agricultural country, since old times take the rice as the staple food. Present's South Korea attends to including each kind of vegetables and the meats, the seafood class and so on, but the brined vegetable (ferments spicy cabbage), the seafood sauce (salted fish class), the fermented beanpaste (fermentation bean product) and so on leavened foods to become South Korea most to have the representation simultaneously also to have rich nutritional value food. The South Korean dinner table culture most major characteristic is on all ingredients one time uneven. According to the tradition, vegetable quantity according to the different scale from the low 3 small dishes to 12 small dishes which prepares for emperor different. But the dinner table places, the arrangement also along with the type which attends to have the very big difference. Gimjang refers to South Korea in the winter the souse brined vegetable custom, has preserved after many years until now. Because the winter during 3~4 months, the majority of vegetables cultivate with difficulty, the brined vegetable souse carries on generally in the early winter. The brined vegetable is one kind by the vegetables primarily raw material, each kind of fruit, seafood and meats for ingredient leavened food. Not only it the taste is beautiful, is tasty, and has the rich nutrition, is on the South Korean dinner table the essential main savoy. In the South Korean the popular view is “does not have Jin Qi (Korean: Brined vegetable) the food is not prepares to the South Korean.”The South Korean commodity is very scarce, therefore each food is the radish cabbage, ten certificates of division of family property one. Each family manufactures the brined vegetable, its flavor and the nutrition are various. The South Korean brined vegetable type are many, may divide into spring's radish brined vegetable, the cabbage brined vegetable according to the season; Summer's cucumber brined vegetable, small radish brined vegetable; The autumn spicy cabbage, soaks the radish block son; Winter each kind of brined vegetable. The brined vegetable fermentation degree, uses raw material, the vessel and the weather, the craftsmanship difference, manufactures the brined vegetable the flavor and the fragrance and the nutrition is also various.
第2个回答  2019-10-10
第3个回答  2009-05-21
fuck fruit
第4个回答  2009-06-05
哦 原来是这样