
我很爱一个人,虽然和他分了,但我还是很爱他,爱他快有三年了吧,我现在很想他,都无法自拔了!希望你们帮我写一篇英语日志,最好用上:亲爱的,曾经不是说过我们要谈一场不分手的恋爱吗? 总之越感人越好,还要带上中文翻译,我觉得好的还多加分!!

Remember, we had a wonderful .记得吗,我们曾经有多么美好.
I thought for a long time it will be all over, but I found that ····
Those memories seem to be engraved in my heart那些记忆似乎刻在了我的心底
Expect to laugh, cry, will the pain想到会笑、会哭、会撕心裂肺的疼
These aren't you really can forget it这些难道你真的可以忘掉吗
Dear, I have been waiting for you back, have a look at me亲爱的,我一直在等你,回头看看我好么
Without you, I began to fall,Really miss with you in the side day

My dear, we have not agreed to talk about a love never do.亲爱的,我们曾经不是说好要谈一场不分手的恋爱吗
You is I can't quit poison你是我戒不掉的毒药
Always want to,The pain to the heart
My heart just for you a turn我的痴心只为换你一个转身
Loving you is like a religion to have covered all over with cuts and bruises爱你就像是种信仰 虔诚到已遍体鳞伤(Just like the lyrics.就像这句歌词一样)
Baby, I love you, love to give up their...
Wait for you. Never break.等你。永无休年。

第1个回答  2013-12-12
Love him for three years, he has no trace of looking back, I know I'm not perfect, a lot of girls around you than me., But I still did not give up, since the points with you every day, dejected, Itotal in the memories of you and me the two previous good memories, I increasingly think you increasingly find themselves unable to go back soul is like abjection.