
上午汉语课程下午中国书法(Chinese calligraphy)中国画太极拳(taiji)周末省内参观旅游其他到人家小住学做中国菜.开头结尾己写Dear Tom , Glad to hear you are coming...

Dear Tom ,
Hello!Glad to hear that you are coming here to take a summer camp of two weeks with us.It is so great.Now let me tell you about the camp.We'll have a Chinese lesson in the morning and Chinese calligraphy lesson in the afternoon.We'll have some courses on Chinese Painting and Taichi.At the weekend we'll take a trip and stay in the host family to learn how to make Chinese food.In a word,it will be a amazing camp and you'll have a great time here.
best wishes
Li Ming
第1个回答  2009-05-15
第2个回答  2009-05-15