

【 #英语资源# 导语】连读的条件:相邻的两词在意义上必须密切相关,同属一个意群。连读所构成的音节一般都不重读,只需顺其自然地一带而过,不可读得太重,也不可音。 无 !

  1) 辅音+元音 型连读


  I m~an~English boy.

  It~is~an~old book.

  Let me have~a look~at~it.

  Ms Black worked~in~an~office last~year.

  I called~you half~an~hour~ago.

  Put~it~on, please.


  Please pick~it~up.

  r/re+元音 型连读


  They re my father~and mother.

  I looked for~it here~and there.

  There~is a football under~it.

  There~are some books on the desk.

  Here~is a letter for you.

  Here~are four~eggs.

  But where~is my cup?

  Where~are your brother~and sister?


  The black clouds are coming nearer and nearer.(nearer与and不可连读)

  辅音+半元音 型连读



  Nice to meet~you.

  Did~you get there late~again?

  Would~you like~a cup~of tea?

  Could~you help me, please?



  元音+元音 型连读


  I~am Chinese.

  He~is very friendly to me.

  She wants to study~English.

  How~and why did you come here?

  She can t carry~it.

  It ll take you three~hours to walk there.

  The question is too~easy for him to answer.



  Is~it a~hat or a cat?(hat与or之间不可以连读)

  There~is~a good book in my desk.(book与in之间不可以连读)

  Can you speak~English or French?(English与or之间不可以连读)

  Shall we meet at~eight or ten tomorrow morning?(meet与at,eight与or之间不可以连读)

  She opened the door and walked~in.(door与and之间不可以连读)

  失爆造成的 连读 6个爆破音有3对/p/,/b/,/t/,/d/,/k/,/g/失去爆破,又叫不完全爆破,就是在某些情况下,只须做出发音的准备,但并不发音,稍稍停顿后就发后面的音。

  The girl in the re coat was on a bla bike jus now.

  The bi bus from the fatory is full of people.

  Wha time does he get up every morning?

  This is an ol piture of a bi car.

  The ol dotor has a ca, too.

  We re going to work on a farm nex Tuesday.

  What would you like, ho tea or bla coffee?

  It s a very col day, but it s a goo day.

  You can put i down in the bi garden.

  I bought a chea book, but it s agoo book.

  爆破音+摩擦音 型如果前面是爆破音,其后紧跟着某些摩擦音(如/f/,/s/,/W/,/T/等),那么前面那个爆破音仅有十分轻微的爆破,而后面那个摩擦音则要完全爆破。

  Goo morning, Mr. Bell.

  Goo morning, dear.

  Uncle Li s fatory is qui near to the cinema.

  I wen there alone a nine las night.

  -Do you know his bi number?

  -Sorry, I don know.

  The forty-firs lesson is qui difficult.

  Goo luck, Richard.

  爆破音+爆破音 型6个爆破音中的任意2个相临时,前一个爆破音会失去爆破,即由相关的发音器官做好这个发音的姿势,稍做停顿后即发后面的爆破音。