
30. ----What (do) Su Hai do on last Sunday morning?
----She (go) for a walk in the park.
31. ---- (do) you go swimming last Saturday?
----No. We (watch) a film.
32. ----What (do) Wang Bing usually do after school?
----He usually (go) home and (draw) some pictures.
33. ----Is Miss Li in the teacher’s office now?
----No. She’s (take) photos in the garden.
34. It’s ( rainy / raining) in spring in New York.
35. Summer in New York is as (hot / hotter) as Nanjing.
36. Su Yang wants to know about (weather / the weather) in Shanghai.
37. (There is / There are) a lot of rain in spring in the city.
38. Which season (are / do) you like best?
39. Ben (want) a penfriend in China.
40. Miss Li (like) (draw) horses.
41. My hobbies are (swim) and (dance).
42. I (read) newspapers last night.
43. I am (do ) my homework now.
44. David is (show) his photos to his classmates.
45. I (have) a birthday party last week. My penfriend (come) to my party, and I was very happy.
46. ----Do you like (yellow flower)?----No, I don’t.
47. ---- (there be) any shops near your school?----Yes.
48. ----Do you like (row)?----Yes, I do.
49. ----What are you going to do?----I’m going to (have a picnic).
50. Last Friday, I (take part in) a sports meeting.

30 did went
31 Did watcheu
32 does goes draws
33 taking
34 rainy
35. Summer in New York is as (hot) as Nanjing.
36. Su Yang wants to know about ( the weather) in Shanghai.
37. (There is ) a lot of rain in spring in the city.
38. Which season ( do) you like best?
39. Ben (wants ) a penfriend in China.
40. Miss Li (likes) (drawing ) horses.
41. My hobbies are (swimming ) and (dancing).
42. I (read) newspapers last night.
43. I am (doing ) my homework now.
44. David is (showing) his photos to his classmates.
45. I (had) a birthday party last week. My penfriend (came) to my party, and I was very happy.
46. ----Do you like (yellow flowers) ?----No, I don’t.
47. ---- (Are there ) any shops near your school?----Yes.
48. ----Do you like (rowing )?----Yes, I do.
49. ----What are you going to do?----I’m going to (have a picnic).
50. Last Friday, I (took part in) a sports meeting.追问



你看错了吧,答案一个不少。30到34 直接答案。35到50答案在括号里。





第1个回答  2014-05-26
what does 苏海