请问这句话 里主语从句为什么省略了that

it is said in Australia there is more land than the goverment knows what to do with it .


    形式主语:it 【指代后面的从句,即后面提到的这件事】

    谓语动词:is said 【被动语态,直译是“被(人们)说了】

    主语从句:(that) in Australia there ismore land than the government knows what to do with it 【主语从句出现在句首 that 不能省略,拖后到句尾时在非正式英语中常被省略】

It is said that …意思是“据说…”,用正常语序表示则为“that… is said”,改为主动语态是 somepeople say that …。因此,这个句子就有以下三种写法:

    主动语态:Some people say (that) inAustralia there is more land than the government knows what to do with it .【that 引导宾语从句】

    正常语序:That in Australia there is moreland than the government knows what to do with it is said.

    倒装语序:It is said (that) in Australiathere is more land than the government knows what to do with it

之所以用被动语态是因为说话人想强调事实本身,而不重视这件事是什么人说,而用形式主语 “垂帘听政” 则是为了避免头重脚轻的句式结构。类似的用法很多,如:

    It is reported that … (据报道…)

    It is recorded that … (据记载…)

    It is rumored that … (据谣传…)

    It is known that … (据悉…)

第1个回答  2014-03-11
it is said THAT in Australia there is more land than the goverment knows what to do with it .

it (形式主语)is said(谓语) THAT(主语从句的连接词) in Australia there is more land than - - - (真正主语)
第2个回答  2014-03-11

麻烦您分析一下 成分可以吗


(it 主语)(is said 谓语)( in Australia地点状语)( there is more land than the goverment knows what to do with it宾语从句) .


为什么it 不是形式主语 后面是真正的主语呢 怎么判断