小学3··· 6年级 的词组

40 个 词组 带过去时!
急求!!!!!!!!!!! 我说的词组 是指 go swimming 这类的

1.pen pal笔友
2.be from=come from来自、、
3.the United States=the US=America美国
4.the United Kingdom=the UK英国
7.write to sb 给某人写信
8.at school/in the school 在学校
9.post office邮局
10.on Center Street在中心街
11.pay phone公用电话
13.across from在、、、的对面
16.in front of在、、的前面
17.turn left向左转
18.turn right向右转
19.on the left在左边
20.on the right 在右边
21.in the neighborhood在邻近、在附近
22.take a walk散步
23.have fun/have a good(great ) time/enjoy oneself 玩得开心
24.go straight直走
25.the way to ....去、、的路
26.take a taxi打的
27.the beginning of...的开端
28.have a good trip旅途愉快
29welcome to ...欢迎来到、、
30kind of ... 有点儿a kind of...一种....
32.in the day 在白天
33.go out出去
35.police station警察局
36.let sb do sth让某人做某事
make sb do sth 使某人做某事
37.be interested in ..对''''感兴趣
38.want ad 招聘广告
40.eat grass吃草
41.shop assistant店员
42.TV station 电视台
42.bank clerk银行职员
43.get sth from sb 从某人那取某物 44.in the hospital在医院in hospital住院
45.work hard努力工作
46.work for magazine为杂志社工作
Unit 5---Unit 8
1.wait for 等待
4.do one's homework 做作业
5.pretty good 相当不错
6.talk on the phone在电话里谈话 6.TV show 电视节目
7.on vacation在休假
8.write a letter写信
10.read books读书
12.at home/bein 在家be out 不在家
13. in the last photo在最后的照片里
14.a photo of my family 我的家庭照片
15.on vacation在假期
16.a group of people一群人
17.be surprised to对...感到吃惊
19.in France在法国
21.look like看起来像、、
22.medium build中等体格
23.medium height 中等身材
24.curly hair卷发
25.straight hair 直发
26.a litter bit有点儿,一点儿
27.tell jokes讲笑话
28.long hair长发
29.short hair短发
30.in Class FIve在五班
31.stop doing sth停止做正在做的事
32stop to sth停下来做另一件事
34.love to do sth =like to do /doing sth =enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事
35.the captain of .....的队长/首都
36.pop singer流行歌手
37.wear glasses戴眼镜
38.go shopping去购物
39,new look 新形象
40.would like ...想要、、
41.a bowl of 一碗、、
Uint 9----Unit 12
1.on Saturday morning 在星期六的早上
2. study for a test复习考试
3.have a party开晚会
4.do some reading 读书
5.practic English练习英语
6.go to the beach去海滩
7.last weekend上周末
8.visit sb 拜访某人
9.stay at home 呆在家里
10.go to (some place)去某地
11.go to the mountains去爬山
13.clean one's room打扫某人的房间 14.last week 上周
16.go shopping去购物
17.play sports=do sports做运动play cards 打牌
19.read a book about history读关于历史的书
18.cook dinner for sb为某人做饭
20.talk show谈话节目
21.go for a walk去散步 53.take a walk散步
22.look for寻找
23.summer camp 夏令营
24.It's time to do sth =It's time for sth 该做某事的时间了
25.sit down坐下
26.Central Park中心公园
27.pretty good 相当好
28.hot and humid 又热又湿
29.go on vacation度假
46.take a vacation去度假
30.all day 整天
31,have fun doing
32.in the corner 在角落里
33.find sb doing 发现某人在做某事
34.be lost迷失,迷路
35.make sb feel happy使某人感到愉快
37.walk back to some where 走回某地
39.the Palace Museum故宫
40. Tian'an Men Square天安门
41.the Great Wall长城
42.soap opera肥皂剧
43.sports show 体育节目
44.game show游戏节目
45.can't stand doing 无法忍受做 46.in fact事实上
47.Sports News体育新闻
48.Healthy living健康生活
49.Culture China中国文化
50.Chinese Cooking中国烹饪
51.Animal Wold 动物世界
52.English Today今日英语
53.Weekend Talk周末访谈
54.a thirteen-year-old boy一个十三岁的男孩
55.think of认为
49.think about考虑
56.Tell it like it is!实话实说
58.ask sb about sth
60.school magazine校刊
61.put ...in ...把..放进..
62.arrive late for class=be late for class 上课迟到
64.wear a uniform穿校服
63.run in the hallways在走廊里跑 65.sports shoes运动鞋
67.on school nights在学校晚自习日 68.make dinner做饭
69.be in bed睡觉
第1个回答  2009-03-28
第2个回答  2009-03-28
第3个回答  2009-03-28

序号 汉语 原形 过去式 过去分词
1 喝 drink drank drunk
2 摇铃,打电话 ring rang rung
3 唱歌 sing sang sung
4 游泳 swim swam swum
5 开始 begin began begun
6 落下 fall fell fallen
7 生长 grow grew grown
8 知道 know knew known
9 放飞 fly flew flown
10 吹动,吹奏 blow blew blown
11 拿,取 take took taken
12 犯错误 mistake mistook mistaken
13 驾驶 drive drove driven
14 写 write wrote written
15 上升 rise rose risen
16 骑 ride rode ridden
17 说 speak spoke spoken
18 打破 break broke broken
19 醒 wake woke woken
20 忘记 forget forgot forgotten
21 选择 choose chose chosen
22 吃 eat ate eaten
23 给 give gave given
24 看见 see saw seen
25 做 do did done
26 画 draw drew drawn
27 躺 lie lay lain
28 出示 show showed shown
29 去 go went gone
30 穿 wear wore worn
31 是 am ,is was been
32 是 are were been

1 打,敲 beat beat beaten

1 来 come came come
2 成为 become became become
3 跑 run ran run

1 带来 bring brought brought
2 打架,打仗 fight fought fought

1 想 think thought thought
2 购买 buy bought bought
3 教 teach taught taught
4 捉住 catch caught caught
5 卖 sell sold sold
6 告诉 tell told told
7 说 say said said
8 付款 pay paid paid
9 派遣 send sent sent
10 把….. 借给 lend lent lent
11 花费 spend spent spent
12 建设 build built built
13 烧 burn burnt burnt
14 学 learn learnt/learned learnt/learned
15 意思 mean meant meant
16 感觉 feel felt felt
17 闻 smell smelt smelt
18 睡觉 sleep slept slept
19 扫地 sweep swept swept
20 保持 keep kept kept
21 丢失 lose lost lost
22 得到 get got got
23 做 sit sat sat
24 挖 dig dug dug
25 获胜 win won won
26 遇见 meet met met
27 有 have had had
28 制作 make made made
29 握住,举行 hold held held
30 站 stand stood stood
31 明白 understand understood understood
32 听写 hear heard heard
33 发现 find found found
34 工作 work worked worked
35 呆在 stay stayed stayed
36 发生 happen happened happened
37 喜欢 like liked liked
38 打扰 trouble troubled troubled
39 希望 hope hoped hoped
40 学习 study studied studied
41 运送 carry carried carried
42 试 try tried tried
43 哭 cry cried cried
44 担忧 worry worried worried
45 停止 stop stopped stopped
46 掉落 drop dropped dropped
47 喜欢 prefer preferred preferred
48 旅行 travel traveled traveled
49 使用 use used used
50 住 live lived lived
51 匆忙 hurry hurried hurried
52 能 can could
53 可以 may might
54 必须 must must
55 将 shall should
56 将 will would
57 挂,掉着 hang hung hung
hanged hanged
58 照耀,发光 shine shone shone