几句英语翻译 要快 意思要正确要简洁 进!!!!!!

英语翻译以下几句话 要求是简洁
尽量不要用很复杂很长的词语 美观最重要 在简洁的前提下保证大致意思正确即可。不可偏的太厉害- -
实在需要的话可以根据自己对句子的理解找合适的词语代替 也就是说如果这个中文词语的英文单词是简洁美观但又不影响原句含义的话-0-


拜托拜托了哈 快快快!!

(1)你知道你是你 最初最终 那个时而脆弱时而坚不可摧的你

(2)岁岁年年朝朝暮暮 你会自始至终的守护着他们 用尽你一生的力气

(3)人生旅程那么长 你总会遇到一个愿意带着真诚的心走近你的人 他会懂你

(4)那些梦想中的风景这么美那么远 它们在你心里 也在你的未来里

1. I know who you are, no matter at first or at last, who is sometimes fragile and sometimes staunch.
2.No matter what time, you will always guard them at best.
3.As the life journey is so long,you will meet someone who is willing to be close to you with his sincere heart and he will know you.
4.The scenery in the dream is so beautiful and faraway, which is both in your heart and future.
第1个回答  2010-05-25
(1) you know is that sometimes you originally ultimately fragile and invincible

(2) you will end of  exist throughout the guard they used in your life

(3) journey so long you will meet with a sincere heart to the person that he will come to you understand you

(4) those who dream of the scenery is so beautiful in your heart so far they also in your future
第2个回答  2010-05-25
1) you know you are who you are,the person who is sometimes frail, sometimes invincible,originally and ultimately.

2) you will watch over them from the beginning to the end, year by year,day by day,exhausting the strength of your whole life.

3)life'journey is so long,but you will always meet someone who carries a sincere heart moving towards you,he will understand you.

4)those sceneries in the dreams are so beautiful, so far-away,but they root in your heart,in your future.