
3--你能给我一个你的联系方式吗 ?
4--你先问我这个问题吧。 然后我再问你

第1个回答  2010-05-17
1 -I don't know that? (refers to the words on the blackboard)
2 - why you old laugh?
3 - you can give me a way to contact you?
3--你能给我一个你的联系方式吗 ?
4 - you ask me this question. And then I will ask you again soon
4--你先问我这个问题吧。 然后我再问你
5 - you are doing this weekend? What do you usually do? 或者(Your usual time what do you like to do?)
第2个回答  2010-05-17
I can'tlook at clear that!
Why do you always smile?
3--你能给我一个你的联系方式吗 ?
Can you give me a contact method of yours?
4--你先问我这个问题吧。 然后我再问你
You can ask me this question at first,then i will ask you!
What do you often do in the weekend? What do you often do when you after school?本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2010-05-17
1. I can not see that clearly.
2. Why do you keep on laughing?
3. May I know your contact information?
4. You ask me this question, then my turn.
5. What do you usually do on weekend?
What do you usually do in your spare time?
第4个回答  2010-05-17
1 - I can't see that clearly.
2 - why do you always laugh?
3 - you can give me a way to contact you?
4 - you ask me this question. And then I will ask you again soon.
5 - What do you usually do on weekends? What do you usually do after class?