
the difficulty is to show/showing my photo
to show/showing my photo is a difficulty呢?
with his help这里的with怎么解释?【通过】 还是【 因为】 ?
the difficulty for/to/with me什么区别?哪个正确?

1. the difficulty is to show/showing my photo / to show/showing my photo is a difficulty
主语 — To show my photo to him later is a difficulty. 待会儿给他看我的照片有点困难。(可能没有洗印出来或其他原因)
宾语 — I don't like to disturb you. 我不想去打扰你。(本人不打扰)
表语 — The difficulty is to show my photo this afternoon. 难的是今天下午要展示我的照片。
主语 — Showing my photo to always is a difficulty. 总出示我的照片是个难点。
宾语 — I don't like disturbing others. 我不喜欢总打扰别人。(任何人这样做都不喜欢)
表语 — The difficulty is always showing my photo in public. 难的是总要当众展示我的照片。

2. seem的用法是什么?
He seems quite happy. 他似乎十分快乐。
I seemed to hear a voice in the distance. 我好象听到远处有说话声。
3)用句型 it seems to sb.:
It seems to me that it will snow. 在我看莱天要下雪。
4)句型 it seems as if:
It seems as if it is going to rain. 看来似乎要下雨了。

3. difficulty这里可数么?

4. with与by的用法什么区别?
1)with 表示用什么东西,如:
The table is covered with a piece of cloth. 桌子被(用)一块儿布盖着。
2)by 介绍行为者,表示某个行为被某人做了,如:
The table is covered by my mother; 桌子被我妈盖上了。
3) 把两个句子合在一起即为:
The table is covered with a piece of cloth by my mother.
5. with his help这里的with怎么解释?【通过】 还是【因为】 ?
根据不同情况可以翻译成“ 因为;当(有)...情况下”,如:
* jump with joy 因为高兴跳起来
* shake with cold 由于冷发抖
* With all his money, he is unhappy. 在有那么多钱的情况下, 他也并不愉快。
* I have done it on time with his help. 再由他帮助的情况下,我已经按时完成了这件事。

6. the difficulty for/to/with me什么区别?哪个正确?
* the difficulty for me 为我而提供的困难
* the difficulty to me 加在我身上的困难/我遇到的困难
* the difficulty with me 伴随我的困难
第1个回答  2010-05-23
不足之处,我认为这个difficulty可数,因为这是一件具体的事情——to show/showing my photo,意为难事,难题。
第2个回答  2010-05-19
第3个回答  2010-05-20
The same to you!