
!!!!急 如题

Listen and read.

Chen Huan: Do you know if Sally Maxwell has arrived?
Receptionist: That's Miss Maxwell.
Chen Huan: Hi, are you Sally?
Sally: Yes, that's right. This is my friend Lingling. I asked your secretary whether she could come or not.
Chen Huan: Oh, yes. Hi Lingling. OK, I'm going to ask you some personal questions, and record your answers. OK, here goes ... Sally, welcome to China!
Sally: Thank you.
Chen Huan: Can you tell me where you are from?
Sally: Yes, I'm from London. I'm here with some classmates. In fact, I'm studying Chinese.
Chen Huan: And I've heard that you play in your school orchestra.
Sally: Yes, our last public concert will be here on Starsearch in a couple of months. But I don't know who will come.
Chen Huan: Can I ask you if you miss the UK, or your relations?
Sally: Yes, I miss my parents, but I have some close friends here.
Chen Huan: I know that foreigners find China very different from their own countries. What does it feel like?
Sally: It's a very exciting place. But I don't like the word "foreigner". My visit here is all about making friends.
Chen Huan: OK, Sally, thank you. And good luck with the concert ... (They stop.) That was great! So this recording will be part of the programme. By the way, why don't you bring all your friends for a visit to Radio Beijing? Maybe sometime next week?
Sally: OK, thanks!

chenhuan :你知道Sally Maxwell什么时候来啊?
Receptionist:这就是Sally Maxwell.
chenhuan:嗨!你是Sally Maxwell吗?
chenhuan:我能问你 你想念英国吗?或你的亲戚?
chenhuan:我知道外国人觉得中国与他们自己国家十分的不同 。你怎样觉得呢?
。 而且我到这里来是想多交几个朋友的。
chenhuan:好的,Sally,谢谢你。祝你的音乐会成功举行( 他们停止了.)
这样很棒!那么这张唱片将会记录下你的那场演出了 。 顺便一提,为什么你不带你所有的朋友去参观一下北京广播电台呢? 下个星期吧。