

再次,教学生学会抓关键词。在小学英语五、六年级的听力测试中听短文做出判断或选择是个难点,所以我们要求学生在听的过程中注重捕捉听力材料中所涉及到的人物(who),时间(when),地点(where),事件(what)。因为我们所教对象是小学生,所以可以让他们把英语中的听短文材料理解与语文中的短文阅读作比较,掌握好这四个要素。另外对于一些特殊疑问词【比如原因(why),方式(how),程度(how much/ how long),数字(how many/ how much),选择(which)】在听的过程中也要注意。
第1个回答  2006-11-24
Part I. Words

Choose the word you hear in the sentence. Each sentence will be read only once.

1. Please give your grandmother that funny photo.

2. There are not many children in the shop.

3. Look at that new piano. It’s Lucy’s.

4. The busy men in the room are my father’s friends.

5. Can my cousin play with a toy car on the floor?

Part II. Sentences

Choose the sentence which has the same or similar meaning as the sentence you hear. Each sentence will be read only once.

6. Tom walks to school with his sister Lily every day.

7. Jim’s favourite day is Sunday.

8. Nick can play volleyball but he can’t play it very well.

9. Let’s have breakfast at six forty.

10. There is a dog in Picture One. Colour it black, please.

Part III. Dialogues

A) You will hear five dialogues. Choose the best answer to each question according to the dialogue. Each dialogue will be read twice.

11. W: Is the watch on the table yours or Mike’s, Edward?

M: It’s not mine and Mike’s is under the table.

W: Then whose watch is it?

M: Oh, it’s our P.E. teacher’s.

Q: Whose watch is on the table?

12. W: What’re those in the desk?

M: They’re pens, pencils and a bag.

W: Put the pens in that box.

M: OK.

Q: Where’re the pens now?

13. W: Bill, let’s go and watch the movie.

M: It’s 7:00 p.m. It’s too late to watch it.

W: Late? It’s only 6:20 p.m. now.

M: Oh, let’s go!

Q: What time is it now?

14. W: Who’re the girls beside your mother, Tom?

M: The one in red is my sister and the one in a hat is my sister’s friend.

W: Oh, they are very beautiful.

Q: Who’s the girl in a hat?

15. W: Is math your favourite subject, Tim?

M: No, it is difficult for me.

W: Then it’s English, isn’t it?

M: No, it’s art.

Q: What’s Tim’s favourite subject?

B) Choose the right answer to each question according to the dialogue you hear. The dialogue will be read twice.

W: Who is it?

M: Lily, it is me, your classmate, Bob.

W: Come in, please, Bob.

M: Are your parents in?

W: No, they are at my uncle’s home. Only my sister and I are at home.

M: Well, do you have a computer? Mine doesn’t work.

W: Certainly. It’s a new one. It’s in my bedroom.

M: Can I use it to send an email to my mother?

W: Of course. Where’s your mother now?

M: She’s in America on holiday.

W: Wow, cool. This way please, Bob.

M: Thank you.

Part IV. Passages

A) You will hear a passage. Choose the best answer to each question according to the passage. The passage will be read twice.

My name is Akemi. I’m from Japan. I’m a doctor in a hospital. I can speak a little English. I want to learn it for my job. So I study it on Sundays. I have a big family. I have three brothers and a sister. They are all students. My father is a worker and my mother doesn’t work. I like music and sports. I watch a football match on TV with my family every Saturday night.

B) You will hear a passage. Choose the best answer to each question according to the passage. The passage will be read twice.

Class 7 is going to start an English club next week. We welcome students from other classes to this club. We want to meet at the same time every week and there will be films in English twice a month. These films are free for everyone. Mr Brown lets us use Room 12 on Wednesday afternoons. If you want to know more about the club, please call Mr White at 379-6542. See you next Wednesday at 4:30!



第2个回答  2006-11-29