

1. A考查冠词。take. . . for a walk意为"带......散步"。故选A。
2. C考查动词不定式。动闲不定式作后置定语,the first... to dosth.意为"第一个做某事的……"。故选C。
3. C考查介词。在具体的年份前介词应该用in。故选C。
4. C考查代词。由h下句知此处要用名同性物主代词yours,此处的yours相当于your keys。故选C。
5. D考查交际用语。上句是提供帮助的,因此对方表示感谢,"Itcouldn,t be better.(再好不过了 。)"符合句意。故选D。
6. B考查代词。此处用it替代前面的"医牛建议Elsa好好休息"。故选B。
7. A考查动词短语。由"It looks so dirty."可知此处应该是"脱下"你的T恤,应用takeoff。故选A。
8. C考查if引导的条件状语从句及被动语态。if引导的条件状语从句应该用一般现在时表示将来;根据句意,此处应该用 被动语态。故选c。
9. B考查宾语从句。本句主句是一般过去时,从句也应该用过去时态,闪此选项C、D错误;选项A中go shopping后应该 加with才正确。故只能选B。
10. D考查连闳。although 口以引导〖i:步状语从句。故选D。
11. D考查短语。根据上句11了知,此处表达的是"实际上,我去过''。故选D。
12. A 考查名词。 have no choice but to do sth.意为"别无选择,只能做某事",故选A。
13. C "数词+ more +可数名词复数"是固定搭配,意为"还要……"。故选c。
14. A考丧时态。由I:句中的used to(过去常常)及转折连词but可知,下句谈论的是现在的状态。故选A。
15. D考查交际用语。道别时可用"See you.(再见。)"。故选D。
16. B此处表达的是"几乎每个大城市",应该用almosta
17. C 由下句"Today he uses a wheelchair or walks with crutches."可知此处应该填legs。
18. A stop sb. from doing sth.是固定结构,意为"阻止某人做某 事"。
19. D联系上下文可知此处用special, special talent意为:特殊的天赋。
20. C appear on television意为:出现在荧屏t ,符合文意。
21. D由下文中的loud or soft可知此处应该选择与joyful意义相反的词,故选D。
22. A此处表达的是"不仅仅是音乐",alone符合题意。
23. B此处意为"他能够展示出他在演奏中感受到的快乐",故用feels
24. A as作连词时有"随着......"的意思。
25. C在形容词dark前应该用系动词,looks意为"看起来",符合句意。
26. C 由短文屮的"People use Facebook. . . or listen to favourite songs.",可知应选C。
27. B 由表格中的"Looking For: Friendship"可知应该选B。
28. A 由挺格中的"Favourite TV Shows: . . . Girls Next Door. . . 知应该选A。
29. D 由表格中的"About Me: like meeting and talking with other people"町知应该选D。
30. B 由短文中的"People use Facebook to keep up with friends online. . . " 可知应该选B。
31. C 由短文第一段中的"It was an hour before sunset. . . " 可知应选C。
32. A 由文中的"After waiting 30 minutes, I began to think about a very expensive taxi ride home."和常识推出应该选A。
33. D 由短文中的"r m just passing the favor along..."可知应该选D。
34. A 由作者反问的语气可推出astonished和surprised意思相近。
35. B 由短文中的"Just do something nice for somebody. Pass it along."可知应该选B。
36. D 由短文中的"Recycling language means using vocabulary that you have learnt before again and again."可知应该选D。
37. A 由短文中的"…if we do not recycle language, we simply for get it. " 可推出 应该选 A 。
38. A 由短文中的"The second way to recycle is through writing..." 可知应该选A。
39. B 短文提出了 through reading,through writing和by having an imaginary chat with yourself ,没有提到listenings
40. C短文主要谈论的是"how to recycle language",故选C。
41. B通读全文可知短文谈论的是考试规则。
42. A 由短文中的"...you will be dismissed and your answer document will not be scored."及第四段丁知应该选A。
43. C由[文倒数第三段可知应该选C。
44. D 由短文中的You must ask permission to leave the room during testing to go to the restroom可知该选D。
45. B 由短文第一段的第二句"If you have a question, raise your hand..."可知应该选B。
46. hurry 47. red 48, flags 49. second/2nd
50. interview 51. reading 52. treat 53. correctly 54. bigger 55. professors' 56. organization 57. lying in 58. whole 59. discovered 60. the same as 61. lives 62. began/started 63. given 64. job/occupation 65. cook 66. living 67. physical 68. Characteristics 69. unusual 70. like 71. same 72. valuable 73. indeed 74. turn 75. explained 76. warm 77. because 78. times 79. Yet 80. before 81. Unless One possible version : Dear Sir/Madam,
I am pleased to return to the school next term. I will choose Physi cal Education and Computer Studies as my elective courses.
I choose Physical Education because I like running and playing basketball. Sports can make me healthy and strong. As we all know, computers are used in many different ways. I often work on the comput er. Therefore I want to take computer lessons to learn more about com puter skills.
I will do my best to study the two elective courses and I am sure my school life will be more colourful.
Yours sincerely , Simon
