with regard to的意思是什么?


首先我们来看下with regard to和in regard to的大致意思:

with regard to:词性为短语,表示涉及到某一主题或问题

in regard to:词性为短语,表示涉及到某一主题或问题

通过下面的表格我们了解下with regard to和in regard to的含义、发音和用法

接下来让我们看下with regard to和in regard to的用法区别:

1.结构:with regard to是介词with后加名词regard的复合结构,而in regard to是介词in后加名词regard的复合结构


- He mentioned his concern with regard to the Chinese economy.


- I want to talk to you about something in regard to work.


2.语气:with regard to更加正式和商务化,常用于正式场合;而in regard to则相对更加口语化,常用于非正式场合


- Please tell me your thoughts with regard to this issue.


- I want to talk to you for a moment in regard to this matter.


3.使用频率:with regard to的使用频率较高,常见于正式文书、学术文章等;而in regard to的使用频率较低,更常见于口语交流和非正式文体


- Please fill in the information with regard to qualification certification on the application form.


- We need to consider the issues in regard to safety.


4.语法结构的灵活性:with regard to后面可以接名词、代词或动名词作宾语;而in regard to后面只能接名词或动名词作宾语


- I have some thoughts with regard to this issue.


- We should pay attention to matters in regard to environmental protection.

