

英文名:Justin Bieber
原名:Justin Drew Bieber
昵称:B宝, JB, J-Beebs, Bieber, Beebs, beeb
居住地:亚特兰大 (但在加拿大的斯特拉特福(加拿大安大略省东南部城市)长大)
鞋码:目前SIZE 7
家庭:爸爸 Jeremy Bieber,妈妈Pattie(但父母离婚了,父亲再婚了) 妹妹Jazmine,弟弟jaxon(2009年11月20日出生)
害怕:狭窄封闭的地方 不能活动的地方(电梯,储藏室等)
日常的好朋友:Ryan butler and Christian beadles
偶像: 迈克尔·杰克逊、亚瑟小子、Chuck Norris
喜欢的艺人:Britney Spears,Michael Jackson,T-bone、Lifehouse、Ne-Yo、Chris Brown、Justin Timberlake、Beyonce、Rihanna、Taylor Swift
最喜欢的食物:意大利面. 中餐
最喜欢的自己的歌曲:《Favourite Girl》
最爱做的动作:左手在右胸前做一个反V手势 两只手做心的动作(手指在上,拇指在下)
第1个回答  2010-06-09
Justin than that justin bieber was : justin drew bieber nationality : residence in canada : stamford, ontario birthday : march 1, 1994 constellation : pisces is the high school : 169cm ( ) : the present size seven shoes for skateboarding, the skills of singing, : : creation, a drum, dancing and playing guitars, harps and small
And his relationship with the best star : taylor, swift songs type : r
Favorite fruit : bananas, apples favorite numbers : 6 and 18 personal single : one time, one less lonely girl, baby favorite sport is ice skating, ice hockey, and golf, soccer, basketball and football and a skateboard [the editor of this paragraph z 出道 early experience turn to sing youtube other's songs and, later became an usher his disciples, with small island record ( s records ) signing the treaty.本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第2个回答  2010-06-24
YOU love Jay Chou’s songs and you can even sing some quite well. So you make a video of your performance and post it online for your friends to see. But what if this led to something beyond your wildest imagination – a career in music?

Canadian teenager Justin Bieber, 16, has just had that magical experience: He posted homemade videos of his versions of songs by American singer Chris Brown online for his relatives. He received a phone call from Brown, telling him how much he liked his performance. His singing eventually earned him a fan base and a record contract (合约). After releasing a popular EP (extended play, 密纹唱片) record in November 2009, his album My World 2.0 came out last Tuesday.

Bieber sings ballads and songs about puppy love (初恋). But is he just another gooey (甜腻的) teen idol? David Malitz, a columnist with the Washington Post, doesn’t think so. “If we truly want the best for American children, let us pause and give thanks for Justin Bieber,” he writes. “After years of humdrum bubblegum (乏味的摇滚舞曲) from Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers, the 16-year-old has thrown a candy-coated wrench (扭转) into Disney’s heartthrob (甜心) assembly line (生产线) by giving young fans something worth screaming their lungs out for: lovable pop songs.”

From a boy who grew up below the poverty line with his divorced mom to a star who causes near-riots (近乎失控) in shopping malls, even Bieber himself can’t believe his overnight fame, although his kind of success is becoming more and more common in the Internet era (时代).

Interested in hockey (冰球), the national sport of Canada, the boy once put up pictures of players on the walls of his bedroom. He dreamed of being a hockey star and used to practice signing his autograph (签名). He doesn’t need practice now. He signs autographs, if the girls can get close enough, as a music star.


因特网和选秀节目让不少人一夜成名,谈到这个话题,我们可以说:someone achieves overnight fame/success; instant fame; rises from a nobody to a somebody; rockets to stardom.



lower //

v. 降低,放下,减弱

The flags were lowered to half-mast.

star // v. 由……担任主角

He stars as the romantic hero in the new film.

capture // vt. 捕获,俘获

Government troops have succeeded in capturing the rebel leader.

randomly //

adv. 随机地,未加计划地

Participants of the activity were randomly selected.

complex // adj. 复杂的

He seemed to have an instant understanding of the most complex issues.


While some microbes can make their own food out of chemicals in the ocean, complex life like the shrimp can’t, Kim said.



1. – I wonder how much you charge for your services.

– The first two are free ______ the third costs $30. (09安徽卷)

A. while B. until

C. when D. before

2. In some places women are expected to earn money ______ men work at home and raise their children. (08四川卷)

A. but B. while

C. because D. though

Key: AB


第3个回答  2010-06-20