求助 翻译一段英文

1. Antonio Battro, David Cavallo, and Nicholas spent two days in Argentina
working closely with education minister Daniel Filmus, and Alejandro
Piscitelli and Laura Serra of educ.ar, the independent government
organization coordinating OLPC activities.

2. Nicholas and David spent Friday in São Paulo, to meet with President
Lula. Rodrigo Mesquita, to whom we owe our presence in Brazil, organized
and attended the meeting. Lula publicly reaffirmed Brazil’s commitment to
one laptop per child. He expressed a deep connection to those in Brazil
that lack opportunity, his belief in the children, and his faith in the
importance of connected laptops available to all.

3. Audrey Choi has joined OLPC to work with Nicholas on various
international development issues. Audrey is based in New York City and will
work closely with the UN and UN Ambassadors on “country twining”, among
other things.

4. Display: Fitness-of-use testing was conducted this week. We are studying
the acceptance criteria and exploring what cost savings can be achieved by
so doing.

5. Early estimates on UV lifetime of the LCD are encouraging and we are now
more confident that our target of 22K-hour lifetime can be achieved even
under harsh conditions, such as the Libyan desert.

6. With B1 machines in hand, the software team has begun a regiment of
measuring subsystem performance and exercising aspects of the user
interface. We are learning a great deal: this will be reflected in new
system images in the coming weeks.


Walter Bender
One Laptop per Child

1. Antonio Battro, David Cavallo, and Nicholas spent two days in Argentina
working closely with education minister Daniel Filmus, and Alejandro
Piscitelli and Laura Serra of educ.ar, the independent government
organization coordinating OLPC activities.

2. Nicholas and David spent Friday in São Paulo, to meet with President Lula. Rodrigo Mesquita, to whom we owe our presence in Brazil, organized
and attended the meeting. Lula publicly reaffirmed Brazil’s commitment to
one laptop per child. He expressed a deep connection to those in Brazil that lack opportunity, his belief in the children, and his faith in the importance of connected laptops available to all. 自己尼古拉斯和大卫周五在圣保罗会见总统卢拉*罗德里哥*马斯奇达。对那些有组织地参加会晤及出席的巴西公民,卢拉总统再次重申了巴西对“一个孩子一台电脑”协会支持的许诺;同时对那些缺乏机会的孩子表示了高度重视。他坚信那些孩子也将有机会(拥有自己的电脑)。并且对这个协会将使巴西孩子都拥有属于的电脑极有信心。

3. Audrey Choi has joined OLPC to work with Nicholas on various
international development issues. Audrey is based in New York City and will
work closely with the UN and UN Ambassadors on “country twining”, among
other things.

4. Display: Fitness-of-use testing was conducted this week. We are studying
the acceptance criteria and exploring what cost savings can be achieved by
so doing.

5. Early estimates on UV lifetime of the LCD are encouraging and we are now
more confident that our target of 22K-hour lifetime can be achieved even
under harsh conditions, such as the Libyan desert.

6. With B1 machines in hand, the software team has begun a regiment of
measuring subsystem performance and exercising aspects of the user
interface. We are learning a great deal: this will be reflected in new
system images in the coming weeks.

-walter 、沃耳特
Walter Bender 沃耳特*奔德
One Laptop per Child 一个孩子一台电脑(协会)

第1个回答  2006-11-28
1. Antonio Battro, 大卫Cavallo, 和Nicholas 度过了二天在阿根廷
严密工作与教育部长丹尼尔・Filmus, 和Alejandro
Piscitelli 和Laura Serra educ.ar, 独立政府
组织协调OLPC 活动。

2. Nicholas 和大卫燃尽的星期五在S6ao Paulo, 遇见总统
Lula 。Rodrigo Mesquita, 我们欠我们的存在在巴西, 被组织
并且出席会议。Lula 公开地被重申的巴西的承诺
那个缺乏机会、他的信仰在孩子, 和他的信念在

3. Audrey Choi 加入了OLPC 对工作与Nicholas 在各种各样
国际发展问题。Audrey 根据在纽约和意志
严密工作与联合国和联合国大使在"国家缠绕", 在之中

4. 显示: 健身使用测试被举办了这个星期。我们学习

5. 早期估计在LCD 的紫外终身令人鼓舞并且我们是现在
更加确信我们的22K 小时终身的目标可能甚而达到
在苛刻的条件下, 譬如利比亚沙漠。

6. 从B1 机器在手中, 软件队开始了军团
接口。我们非常学会: 这将被反射在新
第2个回答  2006-11-27
1. Antonio Battro, David Cavallo, and Nicholas spent two days in Argentina
working closely with education minister Daniel Filmus, and Alejandro
Piscitelli and Laura Serra of educ.ar, the independent government
organization coordinating OLPC activities.

2. Nicholas and David spent Friday in São Paulo, to meet with President Lula. Rodrigo Mesquita, to whom we owe our presence in Brazil, organized
and attended the meeting. Lula publicly reaffirmed Brazil’s commitment to
one laptop per child. He expressed a deep connection to those in Brazil that lack opportunity, his belief in the children, and his faith in the importance of connected laptops available to all.

3. Audrey Choi has joined OLPC to work with Nicholas on various
international development issues. Audrey is based in New York City and will
work closely with the UN and UN Ambassadors on “country twining”, among
other things.

4. Display: Fitness-of-use testing was conducted this week. We are studying
the acceptance criteria and exploring what cost savings can be achieved by
so doing.

5. Early estimates on UV lifetime of the LCD are encouraging and we are now
more confident that our target of 22K-hour lifetime can be achieved even
under harsh conditions, such as the Libyan desert.

6. With B1 machines in hand, the software team has begun a regiment of
measuring subsystem performance and exercising aspects of the user
interface. We are learning a great deal: this will be reflected in new
system images in the coming weeks.
第3个回答  2006-12-08
1. Antonio Battro, 大卫Cavallo, 和Nicholas花费二天在阿根廷
工作接近地有教育部长丹尼尔Filmus, 和Alejandro
Piscitelli和劳拉Serra的educ.ar, 中立派政府

2. Nicholas和大卫花费星期五在S?o Paulo, 到偶遇总统
Lula. Rodrigo Mesquita, 到谁我们欠我们的出席在巴西, 有组织的
和出席会议. Lula公然地重申巴西’s犯罪到
一个laptop每孩子. 他急速的深的连接到. 那些在巴西
那缺乏机会, 他的信任在孩子, 和他的有信心

3. 奥德丽Choi参加OLPC到工作有Nicholas在不同的
国际的发展出版. 奥德丽是立基于在纽约市和将
工作接近地有联合和联合大使在“国家双生”, 之中

4. 陈列: Fitness-of-use测试是行为这星期. 我们是学习

5. 早的估计在UV的一生LCD是奖励的和我们是现在
在粗糙的条件之下, 例如利比亚的沙漠.

6. 有B1机器在进行, 软件队开始的多数
接口. 我们是知识大量: 这将是反射的在新的
第4个回答  2006-12-02





第5个回答  2006-11-26
1. Antonio Battro, 大卫Cavallo, 和Nicholas 度过了二天在阿根廷
严密工作与教育部长丹尼尔・Filmus, 和Alejandro
Piscitelli 和Laura Serra educ.ar, 独立政府
组织协调OLPC 活动。

2. Nicholas 和大卫燃尽的星期五在S6ao Paulo, 遇见总统
Lula 。Rodrigo Mesquita, 我们欠我们的存在在巴西, 组织了
并且出席会议。Lula 公开地被重申的巴西的承诺
那个缺乏机会、他的信仰在孩子, 和他的信念在

3. Audrey Choi 加入了OLPC 对工作与Nicholas 在各种各样
国际发展问题。Audrey 根据在纽约和意志
严密工作与联合国和联合国大使在"国家缠绕", 在之中

4. 显示: 健身使用测试被举办了这个星期。我们学习

5. 早期估计在LCD 的紫外终身令人鼓舞并且我们是现在
更加确信我们的22K 小时终身的目标可能甚而达到
在苛刻的条件下, 譬如利比亚沙漠。

6. 从B1 机器在手中, 软件队开始了军团
接口。我们非常学会: 这将被反射在新

- walter

Walter 弯机

