

quarter past eight 8:15
twenty to nine 8:40
quarter to ten 9:45
five to ten 9:55
ten thirty five 10:35

ten to thirteen 12:50
ten past one 1:10

two to two 1:58
two past two 2:02

one to three 2:59
nine and half 9:30
ten past eight 8:10
quarter to one 12:45

1. 表示几点钟用基数词加可以省略的o’clock
5:00 读作 five o’clock 或 five
2. 表示几点过几分,在分钟后加past,再加小时
five past seven 七点过五分
half past six 六点半
a quarter past eight 八点过一刻
seven past eight 八点过七分
3. 表示几点差几分,在分钟后面加to,再加小时
ten to eight 差十分八点(七点五十分)
a quarter to twelve 差一刻十二点(十一点四十五分)
twenty to six 差二十分六点(五点四十分)
通常,在三十分钟前都用past表示,三十分钟后尤其是将近整点时是用to的。而在表示时间时刻时,15可用 a quarter 表示,譬如说,第一题:3点28:twenty eight past three 第三题:12 点45: a quarter to thirteen (可表达为还差十五分钟就一点) 其实我说的挺详细的,其他答案就不给了,你自己试着写写,这样以后碰到就知道怎么做啦!
第1个回答  2015-01-06
eight fifteen eight fourteen
nine fourty five nine fifty five
ten thirty five twelve fift
one ten one fifty eight
two zero two two fifty nine
nine thirty eight ten
twelve fourty five five twenty eight
six fifteen eight o'clock
six am three pm
第2个回答  2015-01-06
a quarter past eight , twenty to nine
a quarter to ten , five to ten
twenty five to eleven ,ten to thirteen
ten past one ,two to two
two past two ,one to three
half past nine ,ten past eight
a quarter to thirteen,twenty eight past five
a quarter past six ,eight o'clock
six o'clock AM ,three o'clock PM

第3个回答  2015-01-06



第4个回答  2015-01-06
8:15a quarter past Eight;8:40 twenty to nine
9:45 a quarter to ten;9:55:five to ten;
10:35twenty-five to eleven;12:50 ten to one o’clock
1:10 ten past one 1:58 two to two
2:02 two past two 2:59 one to three
9:30 half past nine8:10 ten pass eight
12:45 a quarter to one 5:28 twenty-eight past five
6:15 a quarter past six8:00eight(o’clock)
早上6:00 Six in the morning ;下午3:00 three in the afternoon
一 整点的表达:
o’clock 前用数字或文字均可。文字更正式,数字更鲜明,如: 6点------ 6 o’clock ------six o’clock 8点------ 8 o’clock ------eight o’clock
二 非整点表达的两种方法: 时 + 分 6:30 = six thirty 7:45 = seven forty-five
8:01 = eight 0 one (0 读字母o 音)
用“时 + 分”的方式表示时间,后面决不可有o’clock。
分 + past + 时:表示“几点几分”,不超过半小时 ( 包括半小时half )
分 + to + 时 :表示超过半小时的 “几点差几分”
如:一点一刻: a quarter past one one fifteen
两点半: half past two two thirty 三点四十五分:a quarter to four three forty-five 七点二十: twenty past seven seven twenty
九点四十: twenty to ten nine forty
a.m. = in the morning 如:上午九点: 9 a.m. 9:00 a.m. nine a.m.
thirteen past six a.m. (上午六点十三分)
p.m. = in the afternoon 如:four o'clock p.m. (下午四点)
若表示的时间不够准确,可在时间前加上介词about。如:about eight (大约八点)等。 在时间前面应用介词at 来表示在的意思。如:at nine 在九点钟,at about five thirty-five p.m. 大约在下午五点三十五分等