
1.1 标题(headline)

1.2 正文( test )
1.2.1 情感性正文(emotive copy)
1.2.2 记实性正文(factual copy)
1.2.3 叙述性正文(narrative copy)
1.2.4 证明性正文(testimonial copy)
1.2.5 语言噱头正文(gimmick copy)
1.3 结尾语(signature slogan)
—Everything keeps going right.(日本丰田汽车广告)
—Your world opens wider with apple. (苹果牌计算机广告)
—The Japanese art of time keeping. (日本西铁城钟表广告)
2 省略形式是广告英语的突出特征
2.1 省略主语、谓语动词的句子
成,即:标题语句(block language)和省略句(elliptical sentence)
2.1.1 标题语句
—A Beautiful Way to Stop Fueling Around.(一则推销汽车的

The advertising language structure and writing characteristics
English advertisements usually includes seven parts: title, headings, text, price,
Name and address, and the end. Here mainly about the title, text and ending
Word of writing characteristics.
Sure title (1.1),
Headline generally considered the most important part of advertisement, advertising
Pass is the success depends on its effect. Because of the line of sight of people usually only in the title
For awhile. Results showed that the headline of advertising components
Part of 50-70% of the total. Therefore, the best writers often attract readers
Attention, in order to achieve the ultimate purpose of advertising -- boosting sales.
The headline, the language to say, the reader
Qiqi heart and attention. Therefore, it is the form change multiterminal, there are several common

Can see, no matter which kind of language, their characteristics are the same --, Jane
Ming, flat and smooth.
1.2 text (test),
The main text is advertising, to show the advertising theme. Divided into
1.2.1 emotional body (emotive copy)
This is a common advertising writer by resorting to text, people's feelings
To achieve promotion purposes. For example, insurance company advertising often catch people emotion
On the family property guarantee for the weak.
1.2.2 of factual (copy) text),
This text is typical of the advertisement. Sexual advertisements re-establishes the text follow advertisement
Famous "AIDCA" formula, namely the first cause the attention of readers interest) and (lost)
(an), and arouse readers' desire to buy (business), and to persuade him
The conviction (the), and others (buy). The mission is finished this advertisement
1.2.3 descriptive text narrative (copy)
Descriptive text style and calm, years. This kind of style often used
Tourism vacation, also introduced in AD Banks, insurance companies, etc.
Proof of text (1) enjoy copy
In fictional or real people, dialogue or monologue style to deliver goods
Interest rates. This text can also is a commodity or a celebrity in praise of a service
1.2.5 language text (gimmick copy) stunt
This kind of advertisement phrase heavy stuff, mysterious, mostly from some allusions,
Suitable for informed, strong curiosity to the readers. Often appear in timeliness
The magazine.
Our slogan 1.3 closing (),
Text ads in the closing is a pen, the decisive role in picture dragon points
Visual attention and memory, strengthening. Ending language and language structure on the title
Often similar. General requirement concise jianhan, rhythm, and hard to flowing
Forget it. For example:
Keeps you going --, Toyota automobile advertisement)
Lead-in - world opens makes apple. (apple computer paintings advertising),
The Japanese art -- by keeping (AD) clock xi tiecheng breathes out what Japan
Advertising English is 2 omit the prominent feature
Advertising language must have the instantaneous effect, which can quickly convince the reader. Therefore,
Advertisements often use to write the most concise language to highlight the essentials and an AD
Content, make clear reader, unforgettable. Therefore to omit the form
Children will become the most striking in advertising English, which is the most representative and the sentence
As one of the most prominent feature of advertising. Advertising English can save the sentence
Any component, including common patterns are omitted several.
Subject, predicate verbs 2.1 omit the sentence
This kind of sentences in advertising English very common, they are mostly noun or name
Word phrase independent put a sentence together. This is ShengLveGou actual by two different types of sentence groups
Statement: title, which ShengLveGou language) and (elliptical (you),
2.1.1 title
Quirk of contemporary English grammar in the headlines, the likelihood and advertising
Who is omitted subject and predicate verbs are collectively referred to as the title of the sentence. Title language
Usually in the form of very conspicuous by advertising in appearance, seemingly omitted
A subject and a predicate verbs, but actually to accurately find in the department. Save
Points. For example:
To Stop A step - Fueling that sell cars. A
第1个回答  2010-05-19
Language structure and writing advertising features
English ads typically include seven parts: title, subtitle, text, prices,
Name and address, as well as at the end of words. Here the main talk about the title, text and end of
Writing Features word.
1.1 title (headline)
Ad title generally considered the most important part of advertising, advertising promotion
Transfer efficiency depends on its success or failure. Because people's attention usually only in the title
On staying a while. Survey results showed that the weight of total advertising ad title component
Sum of the parts of 50% to 70%. Therefore, the authors often done everything to attract readers
Attention to achieve the ultimate goal --- to promote advertising sales.
Language seek unconventional ad title, a word in, cause the good readers
Curiosity, and attention. Therefore, changing its form, there are several common

Can be seen, no matter what language style, their characteristics are the same --- Jane
Clear, prompt, and colloquial.
1.2 The body of the (test)
The main body of the ad, ads for the full performance of the theme. Divided by
Under several categories:
1.2.1 emotional body (emotive copy)
This is commonly used as a text ad writer, by appealing to the feelings of others
To achieve marketing purposes. For example, insurance companies, advertising often capture the emotion
On the desire to protect family property a big issue.
1.2.2 factual text (factual copy)
The body is typical of such advertising. Factual advertising text followed the Advertising
The famous "AIDCA" formula, that is, the first arouse the reader's attention (attention) and interest
(Interest), and then arouse the reader's desire to buy (desire), and evidence to convince him
They (conviction), and thus promote its purchase (action). The mission has thus completed ad
1.2.3 descriptive text (narrative copy)
Pen calmly descriptive text, and has Knowledgable. Such style often used in
Resort advertising, also found in description banks and insurance companies.
1.2.4 proof of the body (testimonial copy)
To fictional or real people, the way of dialogue or monologue delivered goods letter
Interest. Such text can also be a celebrity on a commodity or a service of praise
1.2.5 Language gimmick body (gimmick copy)
Such advertisements hard to learn, trick, mostly from the wording of certain allusions,
For well-informed, curious readers to taste. Usually appear in the timing
The magazine is not strong.
1.3 at the end of words (signature slogan)
At the end of language is a text ad in the decisive, its role is to draw Dragon Point
Eyes, to strengthen the value of attention and memory. End of the title of language structure, language and non-
Often similar. Simple lean and general requirements, emphasize rhythm, easy-to-catchy, and very difficult
Forget. For example:
-Everything keeps going right. (Toyota car ads)
-Your world opens wider with apple. (Apple brand computer ads)
-The Japanese art of time keeping. (Japanese citizen watch ad)
2 omitted form the distinctive features of English in advertising
Advertising language must have a transient effect, that is able to quickly convince the reader. To this end,
Ad writers are often the most concise language to highlight the main points and an ad
Content, so the reader clear and unforgettable. Therefore, in order to omit the sentence form
Son has become the most compelling advertising English, the most representative sentences and
Become the most prominent feature of the ad. Advertising in English any sentence can be omitted
He component, which often omit the sentence is the following.
2.1 omit the subject, predicate verb of the sentence
Such sentences are common in advertising English, many of them are nouns or names
Word phrases separate sentence. This elliptical sentence is actually two different types of sentences by the group
As, namely: the title statement (block language) and Omissions (elliptical sentence)
2.1.1 Title statement
Quirk and others in contemporary English grammar, the newspaper headlines and ads appear
Is it the omitted subject and predicate verb of the sentence collectively referred to as the title statement. Title words
Sentence is usually very eye-catching in the form of advertisements and seemingly omitted
Subject and predicate verb, but actually very difficult to accurately retrieve the department save sentence
Points. For example:
-A Beautiful Way to Stop Fueling Around. (1 selling car
第2个回答  2010-05-19
Language structure and writing advertising features of English advertisements generally include seven parts: title, subtitle, body, price, name and address, as well as at the end of words. Here mainly to talk about the title, body, and at the end of the writing features of the word. 1.1 title (headline) ad title is generally considered the most important part of advertising, advertising effectiveness depends on its success or failure. Because people's attention usually only stay a moment in the title. Survey component of total advertising ad title the sum of the components of 50% to 70%. Therefore, the authors often done everything to attract the reader's attention, in order to achieve the ultimate goal --- to promote advertising sales. Language seek unconventional ad title, a word in and trigger the reader's curiosity and attention. Therefore, changing its form, there are several common types: you can see, no matter what kind of language style, their characteristics are the same --- simple, prompt, and colloquial. 1.2 The body of the (test) the main body of the ad, ads for the full performance of the theme. Divided into the following categories: 1.2.1 emotional body (emotive copy) This is a commonly used text ad writer, by appealing to the feelings of others to achieve marketing purposes. For example, insurance companies, advertising often capture the emotional desire to protect the family property, big issue. 1.2.2 factual text (factual copy) of such body is a typical ad. Factual advertising Advertising body followed the famous "AIDCA" formula, that first arouse the reader's attention (attention), and interest (interest), then draw the reader's desire to buy (desire),, and the facts to convince them (conviction), then promote the purchase (action). The mission has thus completed ad. 1.2.3 descriptive text (narrative copy) pen calmly descriptive text, and has Knowledgable. Style commonly used in the tourist resort of such ads can also be found described on the bank and insurance companies. 1.2.4 proof of text (testimonial copy) to fictional or real person, the way of dialogue or monologue delivery of information goods. Such text can also be a celebrity on a commodity or a service of praising. 1.2.5 Language gimmick text (gimmick copy) of such advertising hard to learn, trick, mostly from the wording of certain allusions, for well-informed, curious reader to taste. Usually the timing is not strong in the magazine. 1.3 at the end of words (signature slogan) text ads at the end of language is a decisive, its role is the finishing touch and enhance the value of attention and memory. At the end of the structure of language and language is very similar to the title. Simple lean and general requirements, emphasize rhythm, easy-to-catchy, and memorable. For example:-Everything keeps going right. (Toyota ad)-Your world opens wider with apple. (Apple brand computer ads)-The Japanese art of time keeping. (Japan's Citizen Watch ad) 2 omit the form of advertising English The prominent feature of advertising language must have a transient effect, that is able to quickly convince the reader. To this end, advertisers often use to write most concise language to highlight an advertising point and the content, so the reader at a glance, hard to forget. Therefore, the sentence to omit the form of English has become the most eye-catching ads, the most representative patterns, and become the most prominent feature of advertising. Advertising English sentence can be omitted in any component, which is commonly omitted the following sentence. 2.1 omit the subject, predicate verb of a sentence of 75 such sentences in English are common in advertising, many of them are nouns or noun phrases separate sentence. This elliptical sentence is actually two different types of sentences by the composition, namely: the title statement (block language) and Omissions (elliptical sentence) 2.1.1 Title statement Quirk and others, contemporary English grammar, the title and advertising in newspapers seems to omit the subject and the predicate verb of the sentence referred to as the title statement. Title statement usually very eye-catching form of advertising there would appear to omit the subject and the predicate verb, but actually very difficult to accurately retrieve the part omitted sentence. For example:-A Beautiful Way to Stop Fueling Around. (1 selling car in the ad)
第3个回答  2010-05-20
1.1 标题(headline)
Ad title generally considered the most important part of advertising, advertising promotion
Transfer efficiency depends on its success or failure. Because people's attention usually only in the title
On staying a while. Survey, the weight of total advertising ad title component
Sum of the parts of 50% to 70%. Therefore, the authors often done everything to attract readers
Attention in order to achieve the ultimate goal --- to promote advertising sales.
Language seek unconventional ad title, a word in, cause the good readers
Curiosity and attention. Therefore, changing its form, there are several common

Can be seen, no matter what language style, their characteristics are the same --- Jane
Clear, prompt, and colloquial
1.2 正文( test )
The main body of the ad, ads for the full performance of the theme. Divided by
Under several categories:
1.2.1 情感性正文(emotive copy)
This is commonly used as a text ad writer, by appealing to the feelings of others
To achieve marketing purposes. For example, insurance companies, advertising often capture the emotion
On the desire to protect family property a big issue.
1.2.2 记实性正文(factual copy)
The body is typical of such advertising. Factual advertising followed the body of Advertising
The famous "AIDCA" formula, that is, the first arouse the reader's attention (attention) and interest
(Interest), and then arouse the reader's desire to buy (desire), and evidence to convince him
They (conviction), and thus promote its purchase (action). The mission has thus completed ad
1.2.3 叙述性正文(narrative copy)
Pen calmly descriptive text, and has Knowledgable. Such style often used in
Resort advertising, can also be found described on the bank and insurance companies.
1.2.4 证明性正文(testimonial copy)
To fictional or real people, the way of dialogue or monologue delivered a letter of goods
Interest. Such text can also be a celebrity on a commodity or a service of praise
1.2.5 语言噱头正文(gimmick copy)
Such advertisements hard to learn, trick, mostly from the wording of certain allusions,
For well-informed, curious readers to taste. Usually appear in the timing
The magazine is not strong.

1.3 结尾语(signature slogan)
At the end of language is a text ad in the decisive, its role is to draw Dragon Point
Eyes, to strengthen the value of attention and memory. End of the title of language structure, language and non-
Often similar. Simple lean and general requirements, emphasize rhythm, easy-to-catchy, and very difficult
Forget. For example:
—Everything keeps going right.(日本丰田汽车广告)
—Your world opens wider with apple. (苹果牌计算机广告)
—The Japanese art of time keeping. (日本西铁城钟表广告)
2 省略形式是广告英语的突出特征
Advertising language must have a transient effect, that is able to quickly convince the reader. To this end,
Ad writers are often the most concise language to highlight the main points and an ad
Content, so the reader clear and unforgettable. Therefore, in order to omit the sentence form
Son has become the most compelling advertising English, the most representative sentences and
Become the most prominent feature of the ad. Advertising English sentence can be omitted any
He component, which often omit the sentence is the following.
2.1 省略主语、谓语动词的句子
Such sentences are common in the ad in English, many of them are nouns or names
Word phrases separate sentence. This elliptical sentence is actually two different types of sentences by the group
Into, namely:
标题语句(block language)和省略句(elliptical sentence)
2.1.1 标题语句
Quirk and others, contemporary English grammar in the title and advertising in newspapers like
Is it the omitted subject and predicate verb of the sentence referred to as the title statement. Title words
Sentences are usually in the form of a very eye-catching ads appear in the surface, seems to omit
Subject and predicate verb, but actually very difficult to accurately retrieve the department save sentence points. For example
—A Beautiful Way to Stop Fueling Around.(一则推销汽车的
第4个回答  2010-05-25
第5个回答  2010-06-02
Language structure and writing advertising features

English ads typically include seven parts: title, subtitle, text, prices,

Name and address, as well as at the end of words. Here mainly to talk about the title, body, and at the end of

Writing Features word.

1.1 title (headline)

Ad title generally considered the most important part of advertising, advertising promotion

Transfer efficiency depends on its success or failure. Because people's attention usually only in the title

On staying a while. Survey, the weight of total advertising ad title component

Sum of the parts of 50% to 70%. Therefore, the authors often done everything to attract readers

Attention in order to achieve the ultimate goal --- to promote advertising sales.

Language seek unconventional ad title, a word in, cause the good readers

Curiosity and attention. Therefore, changing its form, there are several common


Can be seen, no matter what language style, their characteristics are the same --- Jane

Clear, prompt, and colloquial.

1.2 The body of the (test)

The main body of the ad, ads for the full performance of the theme. Divided by

Under several categories:

1.2.1 emotional body (emotive copy)

This is commonly used as a text ad writer, by appealing to the feelings of others

To achieve marketing purposes. For example, insurance companies, advertising often capture the emotion

On the desire to protect family property a big issue.

1.2.2 factual text (factual copy)

The body is typical of such advertising. Factual advertising followed the body of Advertising

The famous "AIDCA" formula, that is, the first arouse the reader's attention (attention) and interest

(Interest), and then arouse the reader's desire to buy (desire), and evidence to convince him

They (conviction), and thus promote its purchase (action). The mission has thus completed ad


1.2.3 descriptive text (narrative copy)

Pen calmly descriptive text, and has Knowledgable. Such style often used in

Resort advertising, also found in description banks and insurance companies.

1.2.4 proof of the body (testimonial copy)

To fictional or real people, the way of dialogue or monologue delivered a letter of goods

Interest. Such text can also be a celebrity on a commodity or a service of praise


1.2.5 Language gimmick body (gimmick copy)

Such advertisements hard to learn, trick, mostly from the wording of certain allusions,

For well-informed, curious readers to taste. Usually appear in the timing

The magazine is not strong.

1.3 at the end of words (signature slogan)

At the end of language is a text ad in the decisive, its role is to draw Dragon Point

Eyes, to strengthen the value of attention and memory. End of the title of language structure, language and non-

Often similar. Simple lean and general requirements, emphasize rhythm, easy-to-catchy, and very difficult

Forget. For example:

-Everything keeps going right. (Toyota car ads)

-Your world opens wider with apple. (Apple brand computer ads)

-The Japanese art of time keeping. (Japanese citizen watch ad)

2 omitted form the distinctive features of English Advertising

Advertising language must have a transient effect, that is able to quickly convince the reader. To this end,

Ad writers are often the most concise language to highlight the main points and an ad

Content, so the reader clear and unforgettable. Therefore, in order to omit the sentence form

Son has become the most compelling advertising English, the most representative sentences and

Become the most prominent feature of the ad. Advertising English sentence can be omitted any

He component, which often omit the sentence is the following.

2.1 omit the subject, predicate verb of the sentence


Such sentences are common in the ad in English, many of them are nouns or names

Word phrases separate sentence. This elliptical sentence is actually two different types of sentences by the group

Into, namely: the title statement (block language) and Omissions (elliptical sentence)

2.1.1 Title statement

Quirk and others, contemporary English grammar in the title and advertising in newspapers like

Is it the omitted subject and predicate verb of the sentence referred to as the title statement. Title words

Sentences are usually in the form of a very eye-catching ads appear in the surface, seems to omit

Subject and predicate verb, but actually very difficult to accurately retrieve the department save sentence

Points. For example:

-A Beautiful Way to Stop Fueling Around. (1 selling car
