

学英语还是要靠自己的努力的,英语学习中心只是辅助,这是我的经验 可以利用.好.下班时间在线学习的,建议可以去ABC天卞英语中心 可以进行视频教学 中外教都有~希望可以帮到你..Dear teachers:Good morningafternoonevening. My name is XXX. I am 1 years old and come from Changz, Shanxi. I enjoyed and love ts job very much and I really want to be a flight attendant. So I entered ts interview. Please give me ts opportunity because I can do the best of myself and I will be a professional flight attendant in the near future.Thank you!全部都是我手动翻译的。顺便帮你加了一点东西。我再翻译一遍好了。各位老师,早上好下午好晚上好。我叫xxx,今年1岁,我来自山西长治。我很喜欢这项行业也乐在其中,我也很想成为一名空中乘务员,所以我名了这次的面试。请给我这次的机会因为我能尽我所能做到最好!而且我相信,我能在不久的将来就成为一名专业的空中乘务员!谢谢。如果还有什么需要楼主可以继续提问或来追问。望楼主采纳。
第1个回答  2019-02-26
第2个回答  2014-09-15
Good morning, my name is ....I am from...., I have been studying ....for ..years. also I am working in xxxx as a xxx. The reason I applied the job because I always wants to helping people. provide excellent service to customers. to makes sure they have pleasant experience on the board. etc....

随手打的,如果需要详细再补充了 =)本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2014-09-10
第4个回答  2014-09-10