

无赖雪特打听到海滨别墅有一幢房子的主人去瑞士度假,要到月底才能回来,便起了邪念。他找到懒鬼华莱,两人决定去碰碰运气。 两天后的一个夜晚,气温降到了摄氏零下5度,雪特和华莱潜入了别墅,撬开前门,走进屋里。他们发现冰箱里摆满食物,当即拿出两只肥鸭放在桌子上让冰溶化。几个小时过去了,平安无事。雪特点燃了壁炉里的干柴,屋子里更暖和了。他们一边坐在桌边,转动着烤得焦黄、散发着诱人香味的肥鸭,一边把电视打开,将音量调得很低,看电视里的天气预报节目。突然,门铃响了,两人吓得跳起来,面面相觑,不知所措。门外进来了两个巡逻警察,站在他们面前,嗅嗅烤鸭的香味,晃晃两副叮当作响的手铐。 他们究竟在什么地方露出了马脚? Snow asked to rogue special seaside villa has a master of the house to Switzerland on vacation, it is necessary to be able to come back to the end, they played a wicked idea. He found Valor do-nothing, the two decided to take a chance. Two days later, a night temperature dropped to minus 5 degrees Celsius, special snow and lai China into the house, forced open the front door, walked into the room. They found the refrigerator filled with food, two immediately come up with duck fat on the table so that ice melting. Several hours later, safe and sound. Special snow lit in the hearth of the dry, warm the house more. They sat side of the table, turning the yellow roasted, with attractive fragrance distribution of the Fat Duck, opened the side of the TV, adjust the volume so low on the priority watch the TV weather forecast program. Suddenly, the door bell rang, the two fright to jump up, looked at each other, know what to do. Come in front of two police patrol, standing in front of them, the smell of roast duck Xiu Xiu, Huang Huang 2 jingle sound of handcuffs. What they reveal where the Majiao?