帮忙写英语作文 谢谢!!

你想换一个新房子 这个是 housing manager给你写的信
could YOU explain what the problem is with your present accommodation and why YOU want move to another part of the town.?it may take 12 months to find new accommodation.
your sincerely
housing manager

写封信回答他的问题并且解释为什么想搬不同的房子 。120字。

帮帮忙 谢谢 谢谢

I want to change to a new house, because I want to live in a new environment, broaden my horizons. But also in a new environment, learn more things, meet new friends or neighbors, and the construction of my relationships. In the new environment, I can face from different angles I need to face the problem, then find a solution, I really need a good environment, I hope you can help me find a good home as soon as possible.