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此次研究将中采用的是分辨率为30米的1997年银川平原7—9月份丰水期的TM遥感数据。本文中将银川平原湿地分为滩涂湿地、湖泊湿地、河流湿地和人工湿地四种类型。运用3S技术提取湿地信息,依照湿地解译标志绘制出湿地分布图,统计得到银川平原湿地总面积为193.98 km2, 滩涂湿地面积为50.36 km2,占湿地总面积的0.71%;湖泊湿地面积为29.27 km2,占湿地总面积的0.28%;河流湿地面积为113.83 km2,占湿地总面积的1.6%;人工湿地面积为0.52 km2,占湿地总面积的0.0074%。由于本次所采用银川平原1997年TM遥感影像数据,分辨率较低,致使解译工作不够精密,大量细致的工作希望以后有机会可以逐步展开。


This article uses Yinchuan Plane everglade as its investigation object, with 3S technology to interpret the YinChuan Plane everglade remote sensing data, drawing the everglade scattergram thus making an understand on the main types and distribution state of YinChuan Plane everglade.

This investigation used the TM remote sensing data of wet season from July to September in 1997 with a 30-meter resolution. It divides everglade in Yinchuan Plane into 4 types : mudflat everglade, lake everglade, river everglade and artificial everglade. It extracts everglade information by applying 3S tech,and with the interpreted remark of the everglade out come the everglade scattergram.Statistics shows that the total area of YinChuan Plane wetland is 193.98 km2 among which mudflat everglade takes 0.71% with its area 50.36km2, lake everglade takes 0.28% with its area 29.27km2, river everglade takes 1.6% with its area 113.83km2 and artificial everglade takes 0.0074% with its area 0.52km2.Because of the 1997 YinChuan Plane TM remote sensing data we chose this time has a fairly low resolution that caused the interpret not precise enough, much more detail work is expected when there is opportunity in near future.

key words: remote sensing, Yinchuan Plane, Everglade