

“存在”的英文是 exist,是一个动词,表示实际存在或生存。

1、exist in:存在于

The answer to your question may exist in the data that we've collected.(你提出的问题的答案可能存在于我们收集的数据中。)

2、exist as:以...的形式存在

The novel exists as both a print book and an e-book.(这本小说以纸质书和电子书的形式存在。)

3、exist on: 以...为食物或生活来源

The birds exist on a diet of seeds and insects.(这些鸟类以种子和昆虫为食。)


1、Our company believes that innovation and creativity are essential for its existence and growth.


2、It is widely believed that life may exist on other planets in the universe.


3、The problem of poverty still exists in many parts of the world, despite efforts to eradicate it.

