

4, do not bring pets, and other health hazards of the items into the hotel.
5, is strictly prohibited flammable, explosive, poisonous and other dangerous items into the reflective hotel, is strictly prohibited inside the burning items in the room, discharging fireworks.
6, in the room without permission is strictly prohibited the use of electric furnace, microwave ovens and other electric appliances, is strictly prohibited without permission pull wiring or install electrical equipment.
7, is strictly prohibited within the fight in the hotel, gambling, prostitution and other illegal activities may not post, disseminate pornography, photos and video treble sound.
8, for breach of the provisions of visitors, hotels have authority to rectify; of these violations, "The People's Republic of China Regulations on Administrative Penalties of law and order" or other policies and regulations, the public security organs will be punished according to law; for breaches of "The People's Republic of China Criminal Law", and the public security , the judiciary will be held criminally responsible.