中国人越来越喜欢过外国节日了 英语作文 八九十个字吧!谢啦!


  Why do Chinese people to a foreign holiday?
Chinese traditional festival atmosphere fell sharply, sees tasteless; By contrast foreign holidays in China is becoming more popular, progresses day by day. This has become a fact of life!
Traditional festivals such as ChongYang, qixi, no such as dragon boat how warm festal atmosphere, even when the Spring Festival cities have forbidden, of course, but also for safety shoes, but on the other hand the dodge the Spring Festival put some firecrackers the atmosphere of the fact!!!!! In this not say, believe that everyone has an experience.
Speaking of foreign festival with Christmas (for example), for now, is the young man in his 20 s, like our students of this as the students all can, as he sees them say Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve, carnival night, know Santa discipline


第1个回答  2014-02-16
More and more Chinese people追答

More and more Chinese people are oserving foreign holidays and losing their interests in the traditional Chinese holidays. The freshness and difference of the foreign holidays Seam to appeal to the Chinese people than the traditional chinese holidays. This might be due to the many complications in the customs of the Chinese holidays and simplicity of the foreign holidays. Like for the traditional Chinese New Year, there are too many restrictions and prohibits that the modern Chinese feel too strained during the holidays while foreign holidays don't have the restrictions and people enjoy more freedom during foreign holidays. It looks like some foreign holidays like Valentines Day, Father Day and Mother Day will become Chines holidays.
