尊敬的各位老师你们好 我是来自2011级英语护理3班的肖敏 今年18岁 很荣幸参加这次面试也对护

尊敬的各位老师你们好 我是来自2011级英语护理3班的肖敏 今年18岁 很荣幸参加这次面试也对护理这个专业很热爱 希望贵院能给我一次展现自己的机会 谢谢 翻译成英语

Distinguished teacher hello I'm from grade 2011 English nursing class 3 XiaoMin this year 18 years old is a great pleasure to attend this interview to care for this major also loved hope your school can give me a chance to show their thanks追答

