能帮我讲一下 more than 做关系代词时的用法吗?


More than的用法
A. “More than+名词”表示“不仅仅是”

1) Modern science is more than a large amount of information.

2) Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer, too.

3) We need more than material wealth to build our country.建设我们国家,不仅仅需要物质财富.

B. “More than+数词”含“以上”或“不止”之意,如:

4) I have known David for more than 20 years.

5) Let's carry out the test with more than the sample copy.

6) More than one person has made this suggestion. 不止一人提过这个建议.

C. “More than+形容词”等于“很”或“非常”的意思,如:

7) In doing scientific experiments, one must be more than careful with the instruments.

8) I assure you I am more than glad to help you.

D. more than + (that)从句,其基本意义是“超过(=over)”,但可译成“简直不”“远非”. 难以,完全不能(其后通常连用情态动词can)

9) That is more than I can understand . 那非我所能懂的.

10) That is more than I can tell. 那事我实在不明白。

11) The heat there was more than he could stand. 那儿的炎热程度是他所不能忍受的

此外,“more than”也在一些惯用语中出现,如:

12) More often than not (经常),people tend to pay attention to what they can take rather than what they can give.

13) All of us are more than a little concerned about(非常关心)the current economic problems

2more...than 的用法
1. 比……多,比……更

He has more books than me. 他的书比我多。

He is more careful than the others. 他比其他人更仔细。

2. 与其……不如

He is more lucky than clever. 与其说他聪明,不如说他幸运。

He is more (a)scholar than (a)teacher. 与其说他是位教师,不如说他是位学者。

注:该句型主要用于同一个人或物在两个不同性质或特征等方面的比较,其中的比较级必须用加more 的形式,不能用加词尾-er 的形式。
第1个回答  推荐于2016-07-25
more than


more than 多于,不仅仅
instead of 而不是
as well as 表并列,也,又
other than 不同于,除了

More than two students have been concerned in this affair.
They captured more than ten thousand prisoners and large quantities of arms inthat campaign.
I felt more than ordinary human sympathy for him in his misfortune. I was deeplymoved as a fellow sufferer.
我对他的遭遇, 不只是普普通通的同情, 还有一种深切的同病相怜的感触。
第2个回答  2015-04-02
对不起,more than 不是关系代词,其意思是:比。。。。。多。
关系代词有: who,whose,that whom, as, which。它们引导定语从句。本回答被网友采纳