

1.What is the short term for memorandum?
A. memor
B. moment
C. memorandum
D. memo

2.Our _____ is located in Shanghai.
A. headquarters
B. headquarter
C. quarter
D. quake

3.We will ____ the road tomorrow.
A. go
b. give
C. hit
D. put

4.Memos are messages that supervisors and peers will use to judge your ______.
A. fact
B. truth
C. on-the-job
D. on-the-job-performance

5.Too many ____ spoil the broth.
A. people
B. cooks
C. cookers
D. students

6.Sentences written with courteous words should be ____.
A. bias-free
B. negative
C. objective
D. passive

7.____ is the oral version of e-mail and replace answering machine.
A. teleconference
B. videoconference
C. pager
D. voice mail
8.The note-book is ______.
A. us
B. using
C. user-friendly
D. user

9.____ and benefiting from the diversity of employees and customers is one of the greatest challenges in the workplace today.
A. Developing
B. Failing
C. Accommodating
D. Needing

10.The word “homogeneous” means ____.
A. dissimilar B. creative C. similar D. hostile

11.Your department manager may name a person to fill in for Nita during her leave. Fill in means___ here.
A. help
B. replace
C. promote
D. fulfill
第1个回答  2019-12-28
第2个回答  2019-12-28
第3个回答  2019-12-28
第4个回答  2019-12-28