


(2) 昨夜,一场可怕的洪水袭击了我村,冲走了许多房屋。洪水到来时我和我的父母仍在睡觉。我们急忙到屋外,看到四周都是水。我们将餐桌从屋内移到了屋外,但它的大小只够两个人坐在上面,屋前有棵大树,于是我快速爬上了那棵树并在上面待了好几个小时。

Daniel’s father Daniel
教室 低矮的,面积狭小的教室 宽敞明亮的教学大

书籍 书籍不多,印刷不好。 各种各样的,内容丰
由于没钱买书甚至 并茂。

老师 老师水平不高,待遇 老师们都是大学毕业
不高,农忙时还要帮 ,水平高,一心一意
助家里干农活。 的教书,乐意帮助学

(1)Li Pin is a kindhearted student who is eager to help others.She has a good friend named Max.He has straight hair and wear a pair of square glasses.They get konwn each other on a birthday party,they all dream of traveling all over the world on one day.They would share their happiness and sadness all the time,they will be good freinds forever.
(2)Last night,a rare and sudden waterflood struck our village,which washed away a lagre number of buildings.Unluckily,at the arrival of it my mother and I were still sleeping.We ran out of my house in a hurry,finding the ground was filled with water.Quickly we moved the table from inside to outside to rescue ourselves,but it could only contain two persons.So I think of the big tree before our house,and then I climbed the big tree and stayed on the top for several hours.
第1个回答  2010-02-18
<1> Liping is a kind and warmheart student.His hair is straight and with a pair of square glasses. He has a good friend named Max.They met on a birthday party and they soon became good friends as they has the same dream to travl around world.They share happiness and sadness with eath other and they will be good friends forever.
<2>A terrible flood occured our village yesterday, with a lot of houses sweeping away.My parents and I were sleeping at that time. And we hurried rushed out of the house , only found that there was water around.So we moved our diningtable from indoor to outdoor ,only found that it was enough for 2 people to sit on.Luckily there was a big tree in front of our house ,and I quickly
climbed onto the tree ,staying for hours.
第2个回答  2010-02-18
第3个回答  2010-02-18