
47.我梦想将来的某一天能周游全世界。(dream of)
48.我很独立,不喜欢总是以来被人来获得帮助.。(be independent;rely on)
50.我们是好朋友。我将与你的友谊视为最重要的。(above all else)
52.我喜欢在森林里漫步和亲近自然的感觉。(get close to)
53.我喜欢运动。我对打网球有兴趣。(be interested in)
54.这个故事很有趣。但我读的时候,我情不自禁地笑了起来。(can't help...)
55.我盼望着嫩很快见到你。(look forward to....)


never give up, tomorrow is nicer day

2.我梦想将来的某一天能周游全世界(dream of)

i'm dream of traveling all over the world oneday in future

3.我很独立,不喜欢总是依赖别人来获得帮助(be independent,rely on)

i'm independent, do not like to rely on others for helping

4.除了自信,她还非常漂亮也非常敏感(in addition to,confident,attactive,sensitive)

in addition to comfidence, she is very attactive and sensitive.

5.我们是好朋友,我将与你的友谊视为最重要的(above all else)

we are good friends, i will regard the friendship with you above all else.


it's pleasant to swim. especially in warm days

7.我喜欢在森林里漫步和亲近自然的感觉(get close to)

i'd like to walk in forest and the feeling to get close to nature
第1个回答  2010-02-13
1 don't give up ,tomorrow will be a better day
2 I dream of traveling around the globe one of these days
3 I am very independent, and I don't rely on people for help/
4 In addition to her confidence,she is attractive as well as sensitive.
5 we are bosom friends.we prize our friendship above all else.
6 swimming is quite pleasant,especially under warm weather.
7 I lik walking through te forrest and the feeling of geeting close to nature.
8I like sports and i am interested in playing tennis
9this story is rather intersting,and when i read it , I can't help laughing.
10 I look forward to seeing you as soon as possible.
第2个回答  2010-02-13
1.Don't give up, tomorrow will be better day.
2.I'm dreaming of traveling all around the world someday .
3.I'm independent, I don't like to rely on others for help.
4.In addition to comfidence, she is very attactive and sensitive.
5.As we are good friends, I will regard our friendship above all else.
6.It's pleasant to swim, especially in warm days.
7.I love a walk in forest and the feeling getting close to nature.
8.The story is very interesting.when I was reading,I couldn't help laughing.
9.I 'm looking forward to seeing you.
第3个回答  2010-02-13

never give up, tomorrow is nicer day

2.我梦想将来的某一天能周游全世界(dream of)

i'm dream of traveling all over the world oneday in future

3.我很独立,不喜欢总是依赖别人来获得帮助(be independent,rely on)

i'm independent, do not like to rely on others for helping

4.除了自信,她还非常漂亮也非常敏感(in addition to,confident,attactive,sensitive)

in addition to comfidence, she is very attactive and sensitive.

5.我们是好朋友,我将与你的友谊视为最重要的(above all else)

we are good friends, i will regard the friendship with you above all else.


it's pleasant to swim. especially in warm days

7.我喜欢在森林里漫步和亲近自然的感觉(get close to)

i'd like to walk in forest and the feeling to get close to naturn
