

题目:Students today can easily access information online, so libraries are no longer necessary. To what extent do you agree or disagree?



Nowadays, most people, especially students, can get information and knowledge by the Internet easily. So are the libraries still necessary? It is a topic that is worth thinking.

I am going to tell you my answer, but obviously after a short break. I will tell you a story happened to me first.

In 2001, there was no Internet both at school and in my home. One day the Chinese homework was to complete several sentences from Tang Poetry without giving names or poets. I was in the library and looked at a thick book that contained all Tang Poems. It took me a whole afternoon to find them all.

But doing the homework now takes only a few minutes, we have search engines which is very quick to find answers if we type in key words.

Now I will get you back to our topic as I promised. The convenience of internet is tremendous. What’s more, the advantage of searching on the Internet than searching in books of a library is focusing. Search results are targeted and cut off unnecessary information, so studying becomes more efficient.

Besides, books are heavy and the content is difficult to copy and use. We need to write it down or scan or other methods to deal with the information. But internet information is much easier to reuse.

Also some precious books are protected which may be forbidden to take them outside. And most libraries have a short period such as one week for readers to keep the book at home. Time is quite limited. But on the Internet, the information can be reached by many people in the same time. We can read it whenever we want.

After talking about the shortcomings of libraries, is there a strong reason to turn them off?

I think the answer is no. The libraries are more like public gathering places than places which store books.

Firstly, libraries are beautiful architectures. We may feel like traveling. The University of Chicago Library, National Library of China and other famous libraries are beauty spots. Even sitting there and holding a book in hand, the feeling is terrific.

Secondly, there are many activities in libraries, such as lectures, workshops, seminars and so on. For example, National Library of China has open classes which teach Chinese literature, Guqin and so on. Students and visitors can gain knowledge by taking lectures from world-famous professionals.

Thirdly, libraries offer meeting rooms, video equipment, blackboards which are very useful to students. In college, students take a lot of time in library. It is the fastest way to do team projects. Even the libraries are good places to find a boyfriend or a girlfriend, since students can stay together for a long time and communicate more.

In conclusion, students today can easily access information online, but libraries are still necessary. Because libraries are more like a gathering and learning places which have multiple functions not about searching information alone.














第1个回答  2023-04-14
Do We Still Need Libraries?
In today's digital age, the traditional concept of libraries may seem outdated to some people. With the widespread availability of information online, it may be tempting to ask whether we still need libraries. However, I believe that libraries are still essential for several reasons.
Firstly, libraries provide access to a wide range of resources, including books, journals, and other printed materials that may not be available online. While the internet has made many resources more accessible, it is still limited in its coverage and cannot replace the value of a comprehensive library collection.
Secondly, libraries serve as community spaces that promote learning and education. Libraries offer programs and activities that cater to a diverse range of interests and age groups, from storytime for young children to lectures and book clubs for adults. Libraries are also important places for students to study and access academic resources.
Thirdly, libraries provide essential services to people who may not have access to the internet or cannot afford to purchase their own books or other materials. This includes people from low-income households, seniors, and people living in rural or remote areas.
Finally, libraries play an important role in preserving and promoting cultural heritage. Libraries house rare and unique materials that provide insight into our history, art, and culture. They also serve as repositories for local history and community archives.
In conclusion, libraries continue to play a crucial role in our society, offering access to information, educational resources, and community spaces. While the internet has changed the way we access information, it cannot replace the value of a comprehensive library collection or the importance of libraries in promoting education, providing essential services, and preserving our cultural heritage.