

第1个回答  2010-01-24
第2个回答  2010-01-24
第3个回答  2010-01-26

( ) 1、 A、on the ground B、on the floor

( ) 2、 A、a running race B、a swimming race

( ) 3、 A、a tape recorder B、a video recorder

( ) 4、 A、next to B、in front of

( ) 5、 A、a basketball match B、a football match

( ) 6、 A、a pair of glasses B、a pair of shoes

( ) 7、 A、a birthday party B、a birthday present

( ) 8、 A、a moment ago B、just now

( ) 9、 A、NO Parking B、NO Smoking

( ) 10、A、Where’s my diary? B、Where are my earphones?

三、 录音,判断下列各句是否与所听内容相符,用“”或“”表示。(听两遍)


( ) 1、Mike’s birthday is on the 2nd of july.

( ) 2、Su Yang and Su Hai are taking photos about a running race.

( ) 3、My mobile phone is between the TV and the recorder.

( ) 4、The score is still two all now .

( ) 5、What date is it today?

( ) 6、They were there just now.


一、 选择括号里适当的词填空。(2分×6=12分)

1、The basketball match is (in, between ) Class1 and Class 2.

2、David is (stop ,stopping ) Mike . He’s (in front of ,out of ) Mike .

3、Liu Tao’s birthday is (on ,in ) April 1st.

4、Let me (look for ,find ) it ,but I can’t (look for ,find ) it.

二、 从II栏中选出与I栏中对应的应答(填序号)(2分×8=16分)

( ) 1、What does the sign mean?

( ) 2、When’s your birthday?

( ) 3、Where are my socks?

( ) 4、Where’s Jim?

( ) 5、Is your birthday in March?

( ) 6、Does your cousin like fishing?

( ) 7、Does the sign mean keep quiet?

( ) 8、What’s the first month (月)of a year?


A、 It is on the 8th of February.

B、 Yes, he does.

C、 They’re on your bed. I think.

D、 Yes, it does

E、 NO, it isn’t.

F、 It’s January.

G、 He’s in the corner of the football field.

H、 It means “NO Smoking ”.

三、 选择:(2分×10=20分)

( ) 1、Where your glass?

A、is B、are C、am

( ) 2、They there a moment ago .

A、is B、was C、were

( ) 3、Jim’s birthday party begins seven.

A、in B、at C、on

( ) 4、--- What is it today?

--- It’s Tuesday.

A、day B、weather C、date

( ) 5、 means we shouldn’t walk on the grass .

A、keep quiet B、keep off the grass C、No Smoking

( ) 6、What would you like your present?

A、on B、as C、in

( ) 7、Jack is Ben’s . He many questions.

A、cousin ,has B、brother ,have C、cousin ,have

( ) 8、当你想问别人“这个告示牌表示什么意思?”,可以问:

A、What do you do ? B、What does it mean C、What are you doing ?

( ) 9、当别人告诉你“这里不能吃东西”,你说:

A、No ,thanks. B、Really ? C、I’m sorry .

( ) 10、当你向别人描述:“王兵正在射门”,你说:

A、Look , Wang Bing is shooting !

B、Look , Wang Bing is passing the ball to Mike.

C、Look , Wang Bing’s got a goal !

四、 看图,完成对话。(1分×22=22分)

1、 A: does it ?

B: It you shouldn’t your car here .

2、 A: your birthday ?

B: the February.

A: would you like a birthday present ?

B: a bookcase .

A: my shoes ?

B: the table .

A: there now .

B: They were there .