

1.ask sb (not) to do sth 叫某人(不要)做某事
2.a way of doing sth 做某事的方式
3.be worried about 担心
4.forget to do sth 忘记做某事(事情未作)
5.forget doing sth 忘记做过某事
6.remember to do sth 记得做某事(事情未作)
7.remember doing sth 记得做过某事
8.leave sth +地点 把某物遗忘在某处
9.can't wait to do sth 迫不及待的做某事
10.be famous as 作为什么而出名
11.be famous for 因为什么而出名
12.try/do one's beat to do sth 尽力做某事
13.help sb with 帮助某人做某事
14.keep sb doing sth 让某人一直做某事
15.feel like ding sth=want to do sth=would like to do sth 想要做某事
16.be good at=do well in 擅长
17.drink to sb's health 为某人的健康干杯
18.take sth with sb 某人随身携带某物
19.plan to do sth 计划做某事
20.a good place to do sth 做某事的好地方
21.finish doing sth 完成做某事
22.stop doing sth 停止(正在)做的某事
23.borrow sth from sb=borrow sb sth 从....借来...
24.invite sb to do sth 邀请某人做某事
25.invite sb to +地点 邀请某人到某处
26.lend sb sth=lend sth to sb 把..借给某人
27.hang out with sb 和某人一起闲逛
28.make sb do sth 使某人做某事
29.laugh at 嘲笑
30.give sb a lesson 给某人上课
第1个回答  2010-01-20
第2个回答  2010-01-19
在《魔法英语 中学语法大全》里(总主编 薄冰)中国对外翻译出版