来个英语语法大神帮我翻译这段话吧! 我要用在简历上,谢谢啦!

我参加工作有六年了,在工厂工作过五年,也在酒店工作过一年,接触过各种各样的人,也经历过很多事情,我学会了怎样把工作做好,同时也锻炼出吃苦耐劳的精神。虽然我的大专文凭不是全日制的,但我认为这是我自己好学的体现期间我也自己报名参加过中国统计从业资格证的考试,也考试通过拿到了证书!但我认为我应该学的东西还很多,并且我也一直在向这个方向努力! 我认为我个人的优势是好学,谨慎,负责任。而我的缺点则是不太擅长与人交流!




I have six-year work experience: five years in a factory and one year in a hotel. I dealed with all kinds of people and things. I not only have learnt how to get work done well, but also had a quality of hard work.
Although I was not graduated from a full-time college, I trust that I am a good self-study learner.
During this period, I required a Chinese Statistical Qualification. I trust I, although, am not very good at communicating with people, my hunger for knowledge, responsiblity and deliberation will contribute a lot to your company.