赤西仁 A page 是什么意思?

不是要翻译……我已经看过歌词……只是有些混乱了,仁君写的这歌词…………第一句I got 2.5 years to tell yall about 25 tears cried 说的是仁07年4月归来到仁写歌词的时间吧?……那么,这个歌词的意思到底是什么?唯饭无骂,本人纯属好奇,留口德留口德……


  A Page
  Lyrics: Josh / Jin Akanishi
  Music & Arrangement: Jin Akanishi

  You and I You and I You and I
  You and I You and I You and I

  1st Verse:
  I got 2, 5 years to tell yall about 25 tears cried and set aside for a bitch that lied 无视外界谣言 用10年来向你们讲诉我夹杂尖酸的25年
  Now I sit inside can't believe that I tried 现在,我就坐在剧场中央,不敢相信这是我的尝试
  But I'd let it all go just to know 但是,只要明白,我让那些都过去了
  Did you really trust in me or was it just a show 你现在是否真的信任我?或者认为这仅仅只是一场SHOW?
  Now the shows that I go get a little bit longer那么,使这场SHOW持续更长一些
  And the motivation gets a little stronger 刺激更强烈一点
  So it's on her she dropped the ball 球正好降落在她身上
  In the summers when I fall 我在那个夏季遭遇失败
  Cuz you made that call I keep moving on with my mind on the goal 因你的电话,我拾起目标继续前进
  Nothing could a stopped this my cups not full 任何事都无法阻止我,因为我的杯子尚未满(在我目标尚未实现之前,没有什么可以阻挡我的前进)
  Now it shows that you didn't all know 现在我所展示的,或许你们并不是全都了解
  When I had to let it go 当我不得不让它离开时(它 指 我的目标)
  So you hear my heart flow 你可以听到 我的心在哭泣
  Let us break it down 让我们一起阻止它
  Easily you understand 你会理解,因其简单
  Easily I had a plan 我的计划,也很简单
  Even if you make me fall 即使 你让我跌倒
  Just know I'm gonna take a stand 只需知道 我终将站在那里

  You and I You and I You and I
  You and I You and I You and I

  2nd Verse:
  Pray for protection when I step on the stage 当我踏上这个舞台之际,我祈祷上天的庇护
  Let the lights of this life blast the pain away 让生命之光驱散痛苦
  And I know there was nothing that you could ever tell me it's true 我知道你永远不会相信我(向上天的祈祷:让生命之光驱散痛苦)
  I had it all figured out and now I'm running it through 我已经决定,而我也正在进行中
  Stay moving dust starts to settle around 拂去尘埃 开始定居
  Gave up a little life just to gain a little ground 放弃生命中的些许虚无缥缈,获得生命中些许实实在在
  How'd make it this far without your love in my life 生命中没有你的爱,如何能够远行
  Carry me close to your heart 带我走近你心里
  I know it's hard 我知道这很难
  An nothing can compare when the feelings is there 但是这种感觉无与伦比
  You got me a little something something love-in like you never had nothing 你使我获得某种特别的爱,这份爱你绝不会白白付出
  Frontin just to get up and go 抬起头,向前走
  I'd do it all for you and I know you know我所做的都是为了你,我知道你明白
  The sound that lingered in my ears was made by your tears 萦绕在我耳边经久不消的是你的哭泣
  That told me that you love me wanna make it last 它告诉我你是爱我的,你希望我坚持到底(它 指 你的哭泣)
  But we only had what is done is bad 但是我们过去所做的,所拥有的,不完美甚至有点糟
  Now I look to the sky just to cry 如今,仰望天空我只能大哭一场
  So forgive and let's live this life that I missed 所以请原谅我曾经的过失,从现在起让我们一起活在当下
  Let's hit this life say hello with a first 首先从说 HELLO开始 让我们一起HIT美好生活
  We wished we knew now we can't stop it 我们多么希望 不要停止
  You didn't make it I just can't top it 是的,你无法做到,我也无法超越
  So I ask will you bless me pleases 你是否愿意保佑我
  Expanding my territories 开拓我的领域
  North to south just hear his mouth 从北到南,只能听他命令
  The hands get weak and knees give out 双手开始渐弱 膝盖开始屈服
  I'm out 我出局了

  You and I You and I You and I
  You and I You and I You and I

  3rd Verse:
  I got 2, 5 years to tell yall about 25 tears cried and set aside for a bitch that lied
  Now I sit inside can't believe that I tried
  But I'd let it all go just to know
  Did you really trust in me or was it just a show
  Now the shows that I go get a little bit longer
  And the motivation gets a little stronger

  A page

  对,这只是一页,不是整本书,不是整个人生 just a page

  YOU可能指 fans和friends ,she 可能指 JIN的某位女性朋友,his可能指 喜爷爷 ,

  “So it's on her she dropped the ball 球正好降落在她身上
  In the summers when I fall 我在那个夏季遭遇失败”这句,我自己感觉出 这个SHE不会指FANS,而是指 某位女性朋友

  “North to south just hear his mouth 从北到南,只需听他命令
  The hands get weak and knees give out 双手开始渐弱 膝盖开始屈服
  I'm out 我出局了” 突然出现HIS一开始我也呆住了,不知道怎么理解,后来结合前面一段,YOU & JIN 都很有信心开始照着自己想做的去做,
  而JIN觉得自己输就输在这里,他想告诉FANS 要活在当下,要坚持到底,
  但是,最后,他还是无法超越规则,他的自由还是有限的,所以,JIN 出局了

  YOU的话,通观整首歌,不难看出 这个YOU既是FANS也是朋友

第1个回答  2010-02-28