

My best friend My best friend xxx is a little taller than I. She is friendly, outgoing and smart. We always study and play together. Though she is quicker than I in doing math homework, she never laughs at me. Instead, she often helps me with my math study. On the contrary, I do better in English than her. So i often help her with her English. Besides, she is thinner than I, but I am stronger than her. Though we have a lot differences ,we never quarrel with each other. I hope our friendship can last forever. 我最好的朋友 我最好的朋友xxx有点比我高,她友好,外向,聪明。我们总是一起学习和玩。虽然她比我快在做数学作业方面, 她从不嘲笑我。相反,她经常帮助我学习数学。相反,我在英语比她做得更好。所以我经常帮助她学习英语。此外,她比我瘦,但是我比她更强壮。虽然我们有很多差异,我们从不吵架。我希望我们的友谊能永远持续下去。 记得采纳 谢谢,祝你学习进步!