



在词汇学习上,你可以将词汇的用法做详尽的分析,挖掘词语的深层含义,对词汇有一个全方位的认识,而不仅仅停留在"就词论词"上。例如《阿甘正传》中,阿甘在表达自己极爱吃巧克力时说,自己可以吃下"一百五十万块巧克力",I could eat a bout a million and a half of these. "million"一词在本句中是大量的意思,而并非说阿甘有过人之处,通过对"million"用法的分析,我对美国人的日常用语中用夸张的语气表示数量多的用法,有了一个更直观的了解。


第1个回答  2009-12-27
cinema(movies)of culturewhether it is the story narrative, plot development and characters all have a lot of changes in the relationship and Chinese thought is not the same place, which are expressed through the language of cultural differences, but not a thorough linguistic analysis alone This requires us to Western culture, especially some of the features of American culture to be understood that a further in understanding the basis of point by point analysis, constantly sum up, a little reflection of the different values of East and West, and the resulting way of thinking differences, through Western history and culture, a comprehensive understanding of the language up to the true sense of the exchanges, so that English "live" together.
Needless to say, the biggest advantage of this approach is that we can exercise hearing. Hearing not listen to the tape of this movie as dry, and subtitles in English and Chinese help, you can the logic of events, reasoning, and feel the meaning of lines, or you can Duokanjibian movies, familiar with contents of the lines has found a natural feeling.
Vocabulary learning, you can use vocabulary to do a detailed analysis, digging deeper meaning of words, for words to have a full understanding of not just stop at "the word on the word" the. Such as "Forrest Gump", the Forrest Gump to express their great love of chocolate in, said that he could eat, "1.5 million chocolate", I could eat a bout a million and a half of these. "Million "The word in this sentence is a lot of meaning, rather than Forrest Gump said, that special, through the" million "usage analysis, I am using everyday language of Americans, said the tone of exaggerated quantity of usage,
With a more intuitive understanding.
Through this learning method, so I really feel authentic in the true meaning of a happy learning English. I think nobody will want to have a lifetime bar staring at a movie subtitles tanks
第2个回答  2009-12-27
Movies disseminator of culture, whether it is the story narrative, plot development and characters all have a lot of changes in the relationship and Chinese thought is not the same place, which are expressed through the language of cultural differences, but not a thorough linguistic analysis alone This requires us to Western culture, especially some of the features of American culture to be understood that a further in understanding the basis of point by point analysis, constantly sum up, a little reflection of the different values of East and West, and the resulting way of thinking differences, through Western history and culture, a comprehensive understanding of the language up to the true sense of the exchange,
Let English "live" together.

Needless to say, the biggest advantage of this approach is that we can exercise hearing. Hearing not listen to the tape of this movie as dry, and subtitles in English and Chinese help, you can the logic of events, reasoning, and feel the meaning of lines, or you can Duokanjibian movies, familiar with contents of the lines has found a natural feeling.
Vocabulary learning, you can use vocabulary to do a detailed analysis, digging deeper meaning of words, for words to have a full understanding of not just stop at "the word on the word" the. Such as "Forrest Gump", the Forrest Gump to express their great love of chocolate in, said that he could eat, "1.5 million chocolate", I could eat a bout a million and a half of these. "Million "The word in this sentence is a lot of meaning, rather than Forrest Gump said, that special, through the" million "usage analysis, I am using everyday language of Americans, said the tone of exaggerated quantity of usage,
With a more intuitive understanding.
Through this learning method, so I really feel authentic in the true meaning of a happy learning English. I think nobody will want to have a lifetime bar staring at a movie subtitles
第3个回答  2009-12-29
Talk about how to read original movie Lianting Li

Movies disseminator of culture, whether it is the story narrative, plot development and characters all have a lot of changes in the relationship and Chinese thought is not the same place, which are expressed through the language of cultural differences, but not a thorough linguistic analysis alone This requires us to Western culture, especially some of the features of American culture to be understood that a further in understanding the basis of point by point analysis, constantly sum up, a little reflection of the different values of East and West, and the resulting way of thinking differences, through Western history and culture, a comprehensive understanding of the language up to the true sense of the exchanges, so that English "live" together.

Needless to say, the biggest advantage of this approach is that we can exercise hearing. Hearing not listen to the tape of this movie as dry, and subtitles in English and Chinese help, you can the logic of events, reasoning, and feel the meaning of lines, or you can Duokanjibian movies, familiar with contents of the lines has found a natural feeling.

Vocabulary learning, you can use vocabulary to do a detailed analysis, digging deeper meaning of words, for words to have a full understanding of not just stop at "the word on the word" the. Such as "Forrest Gump", the Forrest Gump to express their great love of chocolate in, said that he could eat, "1.5 million chocolate", I could eat a bout a million and a half of these. "Million "The word in this sentence is a lot of meaning, rather than Forrest Gump said, that special, through the" million "usage analysis, I am using everyday language of Americans, said the tone of exaggerated quantity of usage, With a more intuitive understanding.

Through this learning method, so I really feel authentic in the true meaning of a happy learning English. I think nobody will want to have a lifetime bar staring at a movie subtitles

第4个回答  2009-12-26
Talk about how to read original movie Lianting Li

Movies disseminator of culture, whether it is the story narrative, plot development and characters all have a lot of changes in the relationship and Chinese thought is not the same place, which are expressed through the language of cultural differences, but not a thorough linguistic analysis alone This requires us to Western culture, especially some of the features of American culture to be understood that a further in understanding the basis of point by point analysis, constantly sum up, a little reflection of the different values of East and West, and the resulting way of thinking differences, through Western history and culture, a comprehensive understanding of the language up to the true sense of the exchanges, so that English "live" together.

Needless to say, the biggest advantage of this approach is that we can exercise hearing. Hearing not listen to the tape of this movie as dry, and subtitles in English and Chinese help, you can the logic of events, reasoning, and feel the meaning of lines, or you can Duokanjibian movies, familiar with contents of the lines has found a natural feeling.

Vocabulary learning, you can use vocabulary to do a detailed analysis, digging deeper meaning of words, for words to have a full understanding of not just stop at "the word on the word" the. Such as "Forrest Gump", the Forrest Gump to express their great love of chocolate in, said that he could eat, "1.5 million chocolate", I could eat a bout a million and a half of these. "Million "The word in this sentence is a lot of meaning, rather than Forrest Gump said, that special, through the" million "usage analysis, I am using everyday language of Americans, said the tone of exaggerated quantity of usage, With a more intuitive understanding.

Through this learning method, so I really feel authentic in the true meaning of a happy learning English. I think nobody will want to have a lifetime bar staring at a movie subtitles本回答被提问者采纳
第5个回答  2009-12-30
看看第一句就知道他们的翻译是网上的在线翻译 练听力 practice the English listening。。。liantingli.....
我包子。。 最近还好吧。