

The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise attributed to Sun Tzu, a high-ranking military general. It is a classic military novel and exclusively an enlightened philosophy book. It is a great treasure left by our ancient ancestors. Sun Tzu revealed a series of general systematic military tactics in this book, and mentioned a full definitive work on military strategy. This strategic plot not only had been executed by the Warring States Period, but had also been carried out by different dynasties in ancient China. It was the most broadly and influential military practice in Chinese history. Furthermore, the tactics in the Art of War had acquired and gained its global recognition and was implemented in warfare planning among different countries. It had earned its finest reputation.追问



我不明白你的意思。请说清楚些. 什么是句子之完全生搬硬套. 你明白以下吗?
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第1个回答  2015-09-16
