
假如你是李华,你参加了你们学校刚刚组织的英语口语大赛并获得了一等奖,在座的评委Ms Monica对你的表现进行了点评并给于了充分肯定同时鼓励你继续努力,现在你想给他写封感谢信,内容包括1对她的点评和鼓励表示衷心的感谢2向她请教英语学习中的一些问题3新年将至你的父母想邀请她来你家过年……

Dec 27th 2009
Dear Ms Monica:
Thanks for your words to me in the English Oral Speaking Competition, I am very encouraged by what you said , I'll try my best to learn English well, I regard you not olny my my teacher but also my best friend, I am sure you will like me.
when I learn English, I often find it is difficult to write excellent compositions, I often make mistakes in tense, the sentences I write are not beautiful..., dear Ms Monican , would you please do me a favor?
The Chinese New year is coming, my parents and I welcome you to my house , we will be very happy to spend the New Year together, we are waiting for your coming.
yours Li Hua
第1个回答  2010-01-01
Dear Ms Monica,

I am writing this letter to express my appreciation for the warm-hearted commends and praises you have given to me in the English Oral Competition. When I was imformed with the news that I had won the championship, I was completely surprised and excited. Especially after I had received your encouragements, I was filled with confidence and motivities in English learning. These are all due to your help and I am so thankful.

Secondly, I want to ask for some suggestions from you since I have met some difficulties in English study. Though my oral ability has been proved in the competition, it is still a tough task for me to finish a listening test. Additionally, whenever I have completed an article written in English, my teacher will constantly find loads of spelling mistakes in it. Could you please give me some advice for my confusion?

Moreover, considering that the New Year is coming, my parents and I are expected for your visit in such a huge festical. Because it has been a traditonal way for chinese people to unit and celebrete this festical with those they care and love, we are hoping for your participation in the most significant day, not only to have fun, but also provide you a proper way to understand more about China.

I am waiting for your answer, as well thank for your appreciation once more.

Li Hua
第2个回答  2009-12-27


第3个回答  2009-12-28
抄几篇就好啊 个 刚刚刚刚刚刚刚刚刚刚个