

您的学生—— XX

Dear Teacher:
Thank you for your cultivation has always been to me! Six months have been due to special circumstances that we did not together, now have your classroom filled with laughter! I will work hard to learn to reward your hard training. I wish you good health and wish you baby like a doll on a card the same as cute

Your students - XX
第1个回答  2009-12-27
Dear Teacher XXX,

Thank you for your teaching and training to me all these years! It was pity that we weren't be able to be together because of some special situation. But now, once again the classroom is full of happiness and smiles, because of you! I promise that I will study very hard in turn to your hardworking and teaching for us!

I wish that you have good health, and that your baby is as cute as the doll on the card!

Sincerely/Your student,