

The minority is subordinate to the majority.
2.One requirement of Party discipline is that the minority should submit to the majority.
(Mao's comment: When disagreement occurs, the minority should yield to the majority.)
The minority is subordinate to the majority, the lower level to the higher level, the part to the whole and the entire membership of the Party to the Central Committee.
Under present circumstances, it is particularly necessary to reaffirm the principle that individual Party members are subordinate to the Party organization, the minority to the majority, the lower Party organizations to the higher and all constituent organizations and Party members to the Central Committee.
In the process of taking decisions, it is essential to observe strictly the principle of majority rule and the principle of one-man-one-vote, a Party secretary being entitled only to his single vote. That is, the first secretary must not take decisions by himself.
In order to solve various practical problems, the Party membership must act according to the principle that the individual is subordinated to the organization, the minority is subordinate to the majority, the lower level is subordinate to the higher level, and all constituent Party organizations in the country are subordinate to the Central Committee.
Individual Party members must be subordinate to the Party organization, the minority to the majority, the lower Party organizations to the higher, and all Party constituent organizations and members must be subordinate to the Central Committee.
For example, when major issues are discussed inside the Party, very often there is insufficient democratic deliberation. Hasty decisions are made by one or a few individuals and votes are seldom taken, as they should be under the principle of majority rule. This shows that democratic centralism has not yet become a strictly applied system.
We go by major vote, and if the majority is insane, the sane must go to the hospital.

第1个回答  2010-07-06
少数服从多数: Coeurs;decide by a majority vote
少数服从多数原则: The rule of majority
少数服从多数、下级: the minority is subordinate to the majority, the lower level to the higher level, the part to the whole and the entire membership of the Party to the Central Committee
第2个回答  2010-07-06
Conform to Majority 或
majority rule
第3个回答  2010-07-06
It decided by a majority vote
jus for your reference
第4个回答  2010-07-06
The rule of majority