天天主动理你的人,不是因为笨,而是 在乎你! 喜欢经常问你干嘛的人,不 是因为闲的慌,而是心里挂记

天天主动理你的人,不是因为笨,而是 在乎你! 喜欢经常问你干嘛的人,不 是因为闲的慌,而是心里挂记你!对你好 的人,不是因为欠你什么,而是把你 当最爱的人!真诚的人,走着走着就走进 了心里,虚伪的人,走着走着就淡出 了视线,如果说人与人之间的相遇靠 的是缘分,那么人和人的相处,靠的 则就是一份真诚!朋友也好。爱情也罢。如果你在乎我,我 会加倍的在乎你!!!翻译全文,快求

Those who respond to you everyday are not stupid people but people who truly care for you! Those who like asking what are you doing are not bored but are those who remember about you. Those who treat you well are not owing you anything but because they love you! Sincere people will walk into your heart, hypocrites with walk away from your eyesight. If people meeting is due to fate, then people being together is due to sincerity. The same for love. If you care, I will care more for you!!!追答



