谁知道 蒙古族 传统节日


那达慕大会是内蒙、甘肃、青海、新疆的蒙古族人民一年一度的传统节日,在每年七、八月这一水草丰茂、牲畜肥壮、秋高气爽的黄金季节举行。 那达慕,蒙语是“娱乐”或“游戏”的意思。它在蒙古族人民生活中占有重要的地位,是适应蒙古族人民生活的需要而产生的。那达慕大会有着悠久的历史。过去时那达慕大会期间要进行大规模祭祀活动,喇嘛们要焚香点灯,念经颂佛,祈求神灵保佑,消灾消难。现在,那达慕大会的内容主要有摔跤、赛马、射箭、赛布鲁、套马、下蒙古棋等民族传统项目,有的地方还有田径、拔河、排球、篮球等体育竞赛项目。此外,那达慕大会上还有武术、马球、骑马射箭、乘马斩劈、马竞走、乘马技巧运动、摩托车等精彩表演。参加马竞走的马,必须受过特殊训练,四脚不能同时离地,只能走得快,不能跑得快。 夜幕降临,草原上飘荡着悠扬激昂的马头琴声,篝火旁男女青年轻歌曼舞,人们沉浸在节日的欢快之中。
Outside of Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Qinghai, Xinjiang, the Mongolian People's annual traditional festival, the annual 7, in August foothills of the water, fat and livestock, the golden autumn season. The Chief of Army Staff, is the angel of "entertainment" or "game" means. It is the life of the Mongolian people occupy an important position is to adapt the Mongolian people's living needs of the. Festival has a long history. During the past Festival to conduct large-scale ritual activities, a monk had to light incense and light lamps, everything Chung Buddha, pray for the grace of God, disaster Consumers difficult. Now, the Festival is the main content of wrestling, horse racing, archery, game Bururi, sets a horse, Mongolian chess under such traditional items, in some areas there are athletics, tug-of-war, volleyball, basketball and other sports events. In addition, there are Wushu Festival, polo, horse riding, archery, Horse chopped 1988, the walking horse, Horse movement skills, motorbikes and other brilliant performance. Ma attended the walking horse, must have undergone special training, and while not from the legs, can quickly and can not run fast. As night fell, grasslands waft with the wonderful feelings of the matouqin sound, bonfire next to young men and women alike, people were immersed in a festive and cheerful among
第1个回答  2020-01-22
第2个回答  2018-05-24
第3个回答  2020-10-07