新标准英语unit test 答案给我一份呗?


Section B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word. 21.
All right, it's time to pack up our things and move to the new office upstairs. Your answer Correct answer

up up 22.
The counselor suggested that Felipe talk through his problems with his brother. Your answer Correct answer

through through 23.
Thomas has always been, if nothing else, a diligent and responsible student. Your answer Correct answer

if if 24.
I find it inconceivable that anyone could turn down a free trip to the Caribbean. Your answer Correct answer

down down 25.
Jordan bought three cases of bottled water for fear that the storm would cause serious damage. Your answer Correct answer

for for

26. By all means, please make yourself at home. Your answer Correct answer By By

Stephen looked on in horror as the fire consumed his apartment building. Your answer Correct answer on on

After such a long day of work, I want to go home and treat myself to a big piece of chocolate cake. Your answer Correct answer
to to 29.

We're all in the same boat; so let's try to be nice to one another. Your answer Correct answer in in
His question came out of the blue and caught me by surprise. Your answer Correct answer

out out Part II: Banked Cloze Questions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage. Patrick is in a bit of a financial
(31)slump right now. He could use all the help he can get. Ever since he graduated from college, he's been fairly
(32)aimless , moving around a lot and working lots of small odd jobs. He can't seem to decide what he wants to do. He had been working for a law firm, but he recently got laid off. Now he's having difficulty paying his rent, and his
(33) landlord is threatening to evict him. Unless things turn around, Patrick might soon be a new
(34)client at his old law firm! What a(n)
(35) hassle ! I usually make it a rule to not lend money to friends, but Patrick's in a bad situation. I'm going to make an exception and give him a small
(36)loan . I do expect him to pay me back. He's always been known for his