
语言是表达人的思想、感情、意志的手段,也是传统和文化传承与发展的媒介。使用一种语言就意味着某种文化承诺。(王秉钦,2007)词作为语言翻译中最小的单位,承载着社会文化意义。英汉文学作品中的人物名都有着一定的文化内涵。如:鲁迅笔下的“阿Q”演变具有“自欺欺人”、“自我嘲解”等特指意义的 “阿Q精神”,曹雪芹笔下的“林黛玉“已成为多愁善感、弱不禁风一类女子的同义词;Hamlet(哈姆雷特)是莎士比亚悲剧《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)中的主人公。现在人们却用Hamlet比喻“优柔寡断、犹豫不决的人或行为”。例: I am no Hamlet。 译为:我绝不犹豫。(不译为:我不是哈姆雷特。)商标和广告的翻译也是一种跨文化的交流,绝不是将一种语言转变成另一种语言就能解决的问题。如:上海凤凰牌自行车的商标一直译Phoenix,在汉文化中凤凰意味着“吉祥、如意、高雅”,而在英美文化中,“凤凰”意味着“再生”,看到这样的翻译,英美人还敢起这种自行车吗?

  A language is a means to express hominine thought, sensation and will, and also a medium to inherit, transmit and develop a nation’s tradition andculture. To sue a language means to promise and undertake a certain culture (Wang Bingqin,2007). A word, as a smallest unit, bears the weight of social cultural signification.Characters in both of the English and Chinese literary works are provided with definite cultural connotations, for examples, AQ in Luxun’s novel has now developed into a special significant meaning “AQ mind ” denoting “foot oneself as well as others”, “make a self butt of mock” and the such like; Lin Daiyu in Dream of the Red Chamber by Cao Xueqin is now a synonym for girls who are always melancholy and moody or too weak to stand a gust of wind; Hamlet the name is the dramatis personae in Shakespeare’s tragedy Hamlet, but now is compared to “a person or a behavior that is infirm of purpose or irresolute”; so “I am no Hamlet” does not mean “I am not a person called Hamlet” but “I am not a person like Hamlet” or “我绝不像哈姆雷特那样优柔寡断犹豫” in Chinese. A translation of a trade mark and an advertisement is also a cross-cultural communication, rather than a version from one language into another which is relied on to solve a problem, for instance, the bicycle’s mark 凤凰 made in Shanghai has been translated as Phoenix. As well known in Chinese culture, Phoenix means “lucky, satisfactory, elegant”, but in Euramerican culture it indicates revival. Seeing such a translated title, how dare British and Americans ride such a kind of bicycle?
  附言:对 “I am no Hamlet。 译为:我绝不犹豫。(不译为:我不是哈姆雷特。)” 一处的翻译按意思进行了适当调整。来自:求助得到的回答