


1. What+名词 what 修饰名词,意为“什么”或“哪个”,询问的通常是物。

例句: What colour is it?

What make is it?

2. What + be + 人用来询问身份或者职业。

What is that man?He is a doctor.

3. What ... like?表示...是什么样的。 用来询问人或物的性格特征或外貌还有天气等。

例句: What is the new teacher like?

What is the weather like?

4. What time/ date /day...用来询问具体时间,用时间副词或介词短语回答。

例句: What time is it??

What day is it?

5. What...for?表示为了什么,用来说明物体的用途或目的。

例句: What do you do that for?

第1个回答  2021-11-29

what后是宾语从句用陈述语序。what do you think the proverbs tells us?中what do you think 是主句,the proverbs tells us是从句。what do you know happend to him?只是一个简单句,因此是疑问语序。

A what是一个指事物的疑问词:

What bird is that?那是什么鸟?

What makes that noise?什么发出的噪音?

What country do you come from? 你是哪国人?

What did he say? 他说了什么?

B what…for?意为“为什么”:

What did you do that for?相当于:

Why did you do that? 你为什么做那事?

C what+be…like?要求对方进行描述,可以用于人或物:

—What was the exam like? —这次考试怎么样?

—It was very difficult. —难极了。

—What was the weather like? 天气怎么样?

—It was very windy. —风很大。

—What’s the food like in your hostel? —你们学生公寓的伙食怎么样?

—It’s quite good. —还不错。


He’s short and fat and wears glasses.


He’s a very talkative,friendly man.


what does he/she/it look like?仅指外表,也表示他/她/它像谁(什么):

—What does she look like?—她长什么样儿?

—She is tall and glamorous.She looks like a film star.


—What does it look like?—它看上去什么样?

—It’s black and shiny.It looks like coal.—它黑而亮,看上去像煤。

D what is he?表示他从事什么职业:

—What is his father? —他父亲是干什么的?

—He is a tailor. —他是个裁缝。

what作形容词时可用于指人,但不常见:What students are you talking about?(你们在谈论哪些学生?)这种用法是可以的,但用Which students…?时较为常见。

E what和how用于有关度量等的提问中

what主要与这些名词连用为what+age/depth/height/length/ width,但在口语中用how old/deep/high/tall/long/wide?结构。在需要准确的回答时用what size/weight?结构,尽管也可用how big/heavy?结构:

What is your age?/How old are you?你多大年龄?

What height is he?/What is his height?/How tall is he?他有多高?

What is the weight of the parcel?/How heavy is it?包裹有多重?

What size do you take in shoes? 你穿多大号的鞋?

第2个回答  2021-11-27


what+系动词+sb/st ?

what+名词+系动词+sb/st ?



1.what's your name ?  你叫什么名字?

2.what day is it today? 今天是星期几?

3.what nationality are you? 你是哪国人?

4.what's the weather like today? 今天天气怎样

5.what can l do for you? 我能为您做点什么?




第3个回答  2021-10-13
英文当中what所引导的特殊疑问句有很多,例如有: What is this?这是什么?这是比较典型的特殊疑问句使用形式,所以平时语句表达的时候,一定要注意准确的使用它的正确形式表达,才会达到更好的效果。
第4个回答  2021-10-13
What are you doing? What is your favorite song? What is she doing?