求 翻译声明书

声明人:vjj 男 1962.12.9出生 身份证号:vxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Vjjjj 女 1967.10.19出生 身份证号:vxxxxxxxxxxxxx

中国科协青少年科技中心the Children & Youth Science Center of CAST
欧盟青少年科学家竞赛The 22st edition of the European Union Contest for Young Scientists.


Declarant: XXX, Male, born on Dec. 9, 1962, ID No. vxxxxxxxxxxxxx
XXXX, female, born on Oct. 19, 1967, ID No. vxxxxxxxxxxxxx

We are the parents of Miss VVVV(ID No. vxxxxxxxxxxxx), and the legal guardians of her. We agree VVVV to go to Portugal with Lin XX, who is the officer of the Children & Youth Science Center of CAST and will take the responsibility of guardianship during the whole travel, and participate “The 22st edition of the European Union Contest for Young Scientists”,
第1个回答  2010-07-17
Declarant: vjj male 1962.12.9 birth ID number: vxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Vjjjj female 1967.10.19 Birth ID number: vxxxxxxxxxxxxx
We are vvvvv parents, Department of vvvvv (ID number: vxxxxxxxxxxxx) the legal guardian, we agree vnnnnnn youth technology center with the China Association for Science went to Portugal to participate in forest VVV "young scientists in the EU Contest," and took custody of.
第2个回答  2010-07-17
Vjj,male,born in November 9th 1962.ID card number:vxxxxxxxxxxxx
Vjjj,female,born in October 19th.ID card number:vxxxxxxxxxxxx
We are vvvvv`s parents,guardian in law of vvvvv(ID card number:vxxxxxxxxxxxx).We agree that vnnnnn to go to Portugal along with vvvv to take part in the 22st edition of the European Union Contest for Young Scientists with the Children & Youth Science Center of CAST,as well as taking the duty of tutelaging him.