



The cycle of life and death continues. We will live, they will die.

为了恩赐,我愿意前往。 There, for grace, I go.
这事儿永远都不会停息。 It is neverending.
他们的死亡就要降临了。 Their death, awaits.
不要考验我的耐心。 Do not try my patience.
生与死之间存在着不朽。 Between life and death lies immortality.
也许恕瑞玛的衰落是注定的。 Perhaps Shurima was meant to fall.
有些事必须一直掩埋。 Some things must remain buried.
度万年如一日。 Eons... pass like days.
天空,是无用且垂死的星辰。 The sky was naught but dying stars.
我已守候了数个世纪。 For centuries, I have watched.
烦恼之物们,最好在墓穴中沉睡。 Burdens sleep best in their tombs.
没有黑暗就没有破晓。 No dawn comes without darkness.
我度过了许多岁月。 I walk through the ages.
恕瑞玛的时代尚未到来。 Shurima is not of this time.
帝国,亦可毁于谬言。 Errant words may fell empires.

The past is a tapestry of what lies ahead.

死亡祭祀就要开始了,你的内脏将用来占卜。 Anthropomancy: divination by entrails.
死亡与我同在。 I bring death.
很快,这儿就什么都不会剩下了。 Soon, there will be nothing.
生,是轮回的一部分。而你的这部分,已然结束了。 Life is part of a cycle. Yours is over.
你们的灵魂将会被女神称量。 Your soul will be measured.
死亡,是一位严厉的女神。 Death is a harsh mistress.
你们的精神空洞无比。 Your spirit is hollow.
通向超越的旅程。 Journey into the beyond.
变回尘埃吧。 Return to the dust.
我们即将迎来清算。 We approach a time of reckoning.
这一个也必须终结。 This too must end.
有些灵魂,注定要燃烧。 Some spirits are fated to burn.
你们没有来世可言。 Eternity is beyond your reach.
谁把狗给放出来了,汪汪汪。 Who let the dogs out? Woof. Woof. Woof.
不,我才不去捡那个球。 No, I will not fetch the ball.
我的牙口要比我的叫声更加糟糕。 My bite is worse than my bark.
你的遗产将渐行渐远,融入永恒,如同沙漠中的黄沙一般。 Your legacy shall drift away; blown into eternity, like the sands of the desert.
中文台词 英文原版
愤怒,燃烧了你体内所有善良的部分, 我的兄弟。 Rage burned away all that was good in you, my brother.
雷克顿已经迷失了很久很久,你只不过是他的苍白幽影。 Renekton was lost, long ago. You are but his pale shadow.